Custom Fanmade Extended Universe Expansion

By droidscotty, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hi Everyone!

I just finished my homemade expansion. It's only in french (even if I think to translate it into english some day it would require a lot of work...). Graphics are far than to be perfect, I did my best to keep the whole nice. This material has not been tested, use it at your own risk but I should be very happy if I could get some returns.

Download here

Enjoy and may the Force be with you!


Edited by droidscotty

This is BEAUTIFUL! For the love of God and everything holy, someone translate this into English.

I should translate it to english by myself but It already took me more than 50 hours to complete the french language project.

I just lack of time and motivation as I've nothing to win in this enterprise, no players to test it and no many returns about it. :unsure:

Edited by droidscotty

I am really interested in this if it ever gets translated. The cards look awesome. Is the third faction of leaders meant to be a third player or are those leaders that can be recruited by either side?


15 hours ago, IndianaWalsh said:

Is the third faction of leaders meant to be a third player or are those leaders that can be recruited by either side?

I just translated the rules into english.

I don't know if I would do more now but at least the neutral faction would be playable. It's NOT a third player faction as they don't have units, missions or action cards and their leaders may not be recruited. (even if the Empire might recruit Guri or Prince Xizor and the Rebels any one but only for a very short time by using an action card)

English Extended Universe Expansion

I would perhaps consider the translation worthy if I manage to have more likes or replies? ;)



Edited by droidscotty

Did you use Photoshop for these? Maybe Strange Eons? And if so, do you still have the templates?

I don't know how to implement Strange Eons... Here you'll find all you need for Photoshop.

I gave the files to Darkman551 on boardgamegeek so he should begin to translate the expansion to english.


Edited by droidscotty

This is great. I am always glad to see when someone doesn’t just make Thrawn insanely overpowered

Thank you Tailsgod! My primary objective has always been to keep the whole thing equilibrated. I hope now someone would take the time necessary to translate my work to english and share it here...