Tenshi's Waiqar Undead Legions

By TS Tenshi, in Runewars Painting and Modeling


I've started painting my Waiqar. I swapped the humans for more Waiqarwith a friend, so I have plenty of skellies to paint! Not enough to be considered a legion yet, but give me time!

At first I wanted to paint all the infantry together, but batch painting can become really boring really fast. So I downsized to 4 trays of Reanimates and 2 of Archers. Now I only need to paint Ardus and a Carrion Lancer and I'll have enough painted models to play the intro game!

I went with a red/bronze scheme for a couple of reasons.
First, I wanted to paint fast the infantry and both red and bronze are easy to paint over a brown base (which also works as a dark base for the bones).
Second, bronze armor (even in a fantasy setting) feels like ancient armor, which works great for old reanimated soldiers. Also, I like red and the red/bronze combo makes people think of spartan or roman soldiers. Which again, works great for the old reanimated army theme.

So the painting process was quite simple and only took me a couple of weeks of free time (which wasn't much). Over a Vallejo Charred Brown base I airbrushed the armor bronze. Then the tunics, capes and so red. I used a few reds to create some quick shadows and lights and make the red pop. The airbrushing was done really fast, not worrying about masking areas or anything, as a little overspray of dark red on the bronze armor doesn't look out of place.

After the airbrushing I painted dark brown (Army Painter Oak Brown I belive) the brown and bone areas, getting rid of any unwanted bronce or red in those areas. An even lighter brown and a bleached bone finishes the bone areas.

Then it's a dark metal for the sword, shield and belt buckle and black for some small details like arrows, quiver, etc. If any of the models has too much red on the bronze armor, I'll fix that now.

Once that's done, army painter dark tone dip with a brush and anti-shine.

The glowing eyes and the base are the finishing touches.

Now to paint Ardus and I'll finish with the Carrion Lancer, my favourite mini of the starter set.





Nice job keeping the arrows straight! These all look really good!

Looks amazing, do you plan to do the trays? I'm personally trying to decide if I'm doing basing on my trays.


Yes, I'm going to do the trays. The units will look better that way.
I just didn't have time to do them while painting the minis if I wanted to finish them during the weekend.

Love the bases, what did you use for the moss like substance?

On 2/6/2017 at 7:23 PM, FrogTrigger said:

Love the bases, what did you use for the moss like substance?

It's a custom mix of Woodland Scenics Fine Turf .

It's 80-90% Green Grass with a little bit of Yellow Grass and a darker tone, either Weeds or Soil .