Using Mission Control for Alternative Formats

By Marinealver, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

So in a thread here I posted up the idea of an alternative format called to allow for restricted faction mixing and provide the satisfactions a bit of distinctiveness from their allied subfaction. The latest in the link below.

However in attempts to refine it and make it more widely available I tried to use the mission control to "publish" this format. I will say the limitations on space is a huge restriction and had to cut all the examples out of it. But again that brought something to mind. Does mission control have to be for missions only, or could it be utilized for other things? Well this is my attempt at such an experiment. I used the Map just to show a Rebel Alliance squadron and a Galactic Empire squadron each with a yellow based Scum ship facing off at each other.




Any other ideas on how to use the mission control tool? I will admit it has some serious limitations with text and the lack of updates is holding it down.

Edited by Marinealver