How does the game begin?

By player587721, in Red November

I bought this game and opened it and started to try to play it after I read the rules. When I did I realized that there is no reason to move at the start. So how does stuff start going wrong? Did I miss something?

We did the folowing.

1. set up board

2. selected gnomes

3. set grog in captains quarters

4. delt out item cards

and the rules says this is where game starts. but there is nothing that is wrong so am i missing something that makes us move or moves the ghost marker to make us get an event card and make stuff going wrong? IDK please help me. I am so lost and was so looking forward to getting this game. but now i feel that i may have made a huge blunder.

Yeah, you did it right. Nothing starts wrong on the sub. You could stay put on your first few turns (not moving uses 0 minutes), but remember that taking 'no action' still uses 1 minute (pg 14 & 15 in the rules). So if everyone stays still and does nothing you still will be moving down the time track slowly and will eventually hit some of the star markers that make you draw from the event card deck.

Generally the first turn for everyone it's in your best interest to head towards the equipment storage room or the captain's cabin (rooms 8 & 0) and use your action to build up an early supply of items for when things start getting bad. This tactic will also start you down the track some.

It's a very fun game though imo. You didn't make a blunder. happy.gif

Personally, and this is a house rule that me and my buddies have, we start the game with the first card of the event deck (or whatever the term is) flipped. Story wise, it is better. Something needs to go wrong on a sub for me to get up and take care of it, not me getting up waiting for something to eventually happen.

It does not make the game easier or harder in my opinion, but does make the game flow right off the bat.