2x Interdictor + Demolisher

By Artifixprime, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Tried out the following list against my friend's rebels tonight - Imperial Victory!! :)



Commander: Admiral Ackbar

Assault Objective: Station Assault
Defense Objective: Fleet Ambush
Navigation Objective: Minefields
Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
- Electronic Countermeasures ( 7 points)
- Enhanced Armament ( 10 points)
= 96 total ship cost

Assault Frigate Mark II B (72 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
- Electronic Countermeasures ( 7 points)
- Enhanced Armament ( 10 points)
= 96 total ship cost

[ flagship ] CR90 Corvette A (44 points)
- Admiral Ackbar ( 38 points)
- Jainas Light ( 2 points)
- Leia Organa ( 3 points)
- Engineering Team ( 5 points)
- Enhanced Armament ( 10 points)
= 102 total ship cost

CR90 Corvette A (44 points)
- Engineering Team ( 5 points)
- Enhanced Armament ( 10 points)
= 59 total ship cost

2 YT-2400s ( 32 points)
1 Rogue Squadron ( 14 points)


Points: 398/400

Commander: Moff Jerjerrod

Assault Objective: Blockade Run
Defense Objective: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation Objective: Minefields

[ flagship ] Interdictor-class Suppression Refit (90 points)
- Moff Jerjerrod ( 23 points)
- Interdictor ( 3 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams ( 6 points)
- G-8 Experiemental Projector ( 8 points)
- G7-X Grav Well Projector ( 2 points)
= 140 total ship cost

Interdictor-class Suppression Refit (90 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams ( 6 points)
- G7-X Grav Well Projector ( 2 points)
- Grav Shift Reroute ( 2 points)
= 108 total ship cost

Gladiator I-Class Star Destroyer (56 points)
- Demolisher ( 10 points)
- Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Assault Proton Torpedoes ( 5 points)
= 83 total ship cost

2 VT-49 Decimators ( 44 points)
1 Bossk ( 23 points)

I chose to go second as I'd built the fleet around playing my missions


I had initially placed the obstacles in the centre of the board and then moved them closer to the AF2s as I knew at least one of them would have to fly through them. I placed Interdictor closest to the centreline of the board to get the most use out of the G8. (ignore the cheeky CR90 at the top - I took the pic after it moved :) )


Turn 1:

The rebels cleverly set up beyond the range of the G7 tokens and set their speed to max with a Nav order dialed in. This worked as a very good counter to the G7s as it allows for a lot of maneuvering. I moved at max speed and triggered Engine Techs on all ships.


Turn 2:

Getting closer now. Interdictor took some fire from the AF2 inside the obstacles and my Decimators removed 3-4 shields from it later on. Demo also took shields off the lower CR90 and dealt a face up card from APTs


Turn 3:

A bit of fancy/lucky flying for the Imperials this turn. Demo was able to thread past the lower AF2 (into the deployment zone) and take out the CR90 with a Broadside. It was hit in return by the AF2 in the obstacles causing two damage cards and losing both the front and side shields. Both interdictors were able to place themselves outside of side arcs. The squadrons engaged this turn also with the Decimators coming out on top overall.


Turn 4:

The AF2 in the Obstacles was destroyed through taking cards from being forced to hit obstacles (asteroids) and hitting Interdictor - I'd slowed it down in Turn 2 to force it to hit asteroids initially and later it didn't have the speed to get past Interdictor as I used both the G8 and Tractorbeams to keep it at Speed 1.


Turn 5:

The second AF2 was destroyed through fire from the generic interdictor ( Interdictor had removed a lot of shields previously) allowing it to move ahead of chasing CR90. The CR90 was also slowed to Speed 0 by Tractor beams and the G8 so it would only be able to target the rear arc in the final turn. Interdictor escaped into the deployment zone. During this turn and earlier in Turn 4 some engineering commands and Contain Tokens really helped to mitigate the damage that the AF2 and CR90 had inflicted on the generic interdictor. The Decimators and Bossk finished off both YT-2400s.


Turn 6:

The CR90 was not able to deal enough damage to the generic interdictor and with it's speed only at 1 it couldn't escape a double arc and was destroyed.


Game to the Imperials.

The missions helped a lot here, but the rebels starting further back and at full speed really mitigated against the G7s. Had I not been able to have a bit of luck arc dodging it might have been different - that said, the interdictors can take a lot and with Eng commands dialed in can keep their shields up quite well. Contain Tokens played a much bigger part in this game than ever before - twice I opted to take a crit on the generic interdictor as I knew I could contain it and take a face down card.

There were't a lot of squadrons in play, but the Decimators and Bossk more than held their own with Counter from the Decimators chipping away at the YTs all the time.

To refine the list, I think I might even drop a tractor beam off the generic interdictor and go for a higher bid to be second player.

Edited by Artifixprime

Thanks for the play-by-play. Pictures make it much easier to follow.

I notice the Demo disappeared. Was it destroyed?

2 hours ago, Democratus said:

Thanks for the play-by-play. Pictures make it much easier to follow.

I notice the Demo disappeared. Was it destroyed?

Yeah. In Turn 3 Demo was able to get past one of the AF2s and take out the CR90, but then got caught by a broadside from the other AF2 that was stuck in the obstacles. I was able to maneuver so Demo was obstructed, but it still took 7 damage with an accuracy - side + front shields gone and two damage cards. The same AF2 activated first in the next turn to get the kill - but killed itself in return by ramming Instigator for it's last hull point.

Nice win!

Edited by AshesFall

I'm a bit surprised the Rebel turned in to engage. Couldn't have have turned out his AFIIs to "run the blockade" and broadside you if you chased him, this has the added benefit for him of your Demo being on the wrong side of the board from everything.

My imperials were the ones running the blockade and Demo was intentionally deployed at the board edge. The idea was to get it to the deployment zone and score token points while handing out broadsides on the way to anything in it's path - hopefully clearing the way for the interdictors to follow.