Very Nicely done Piscopas,
Nice to see you back too !
All the best,
Very Nicely done Piscopas,
Nice to see you back too !
All the best,
Threadromancy, engage!
I recently picked up a buddy's collection, as he was moving out of the country. I've been parting it out, and ran into this little "beauty."
Couldn't give it away. But, another friend said he'd take it, if I repainted it. Here is a month's worth of soaking in Simple Green, scrubbing, scraping with my fingernails, and eventually using an Exacto knife.... The top coat of paint was wicked thick, and there was another layer of paint under that, and therefore two layers of varnish - and that top layer was again rather thick. So, yeah. Tough strip:
And here then is the commissioned repaint. He asked for a matte black base, dark grey panels, and red highlights. As always, lighting matters.