Modelling Custom Units

By stet2, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

As I bought 2 Core sets (and I'm likely to get 2 copies of the Latari and Uthuk Y'llan Starter Armies when they come out) I'll end up with 2 copies of each of the characters.

So, what to do with these extras?

I could keep them as spares but rather than do this I thought I'd indulge in a part of the wargaming hobby that I really enjoy; designing my own cards and units.

At the moment I have 2 dials and 2 hero/monster bases.

It should be easy enough to print out new artwork for the dials for the units I design but as the bases are Hero/Monster the units would need to be large models.

So I started to look around for possible units that fit with the Lore of Terrinoth. Where better to start than with Descent.

Searching through the Monsters and Heroes Expansions I found this:

The pack has 2 Trolls, 2 Ogres and 2 Manticores each of which could be made into a small 2 base mercenary unit. In addition the Human heros could be used as extra Champion models in units.

I know the scale is slightly smaller but for the Monsters that shouldn't matter as they should still be bigger than standard troops. As for the heroes....well not everyone is 6'.


Maybe drop the dials and use the figs and trays to expand an existing unit?

What size are the bases that the monsters are on? If you rebased them to a 50mm square (Proxie makes one that is solid and can be shaped) and rounded the edges, they would drop right into a monster/hero tray and you could include them as proxies for additional rune golems.

Alternatively, if you wanted to keep the minis on their original bases you could take a 50mm base, round the edges, and make a cutout the size of whatever the Descent figs are, then drop the base into the tray and the mini into the base.

I really enjoy creating custom units, etc. as unofficial add-ons to games I play just to give a little extra flavour every now and then.

It will take some time but I'd like to do a number of "Mercenary" units based on the larger-than Human-sized Monsters from Descent.

For instance I've made a small start on a Troll unit (really small so far). Just starting with the Dial for now:

