Finished 2-Box Set

By staz0801, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

I just completed my 2-Core set collection. I'm rather new at the painting hobby, but I'm pleased with the results. I put in about 160 hours prepping, assembling, and painting. Also, I magnetized all the infantry bases. I'm personally not a fan of the grassy bases, so I opted to match the trays for most units and the heroes' bases are gold.

rwmg_10_zps40ygme1g.jpg rwmg_11_zpsxfjgoqcw.jpg rwmg_00_zps8gxlmcfa.jpg

I like the colour schemes, very easy to see who belongs to which army, looks good!

The color scheme's are really striking, clean and well done.

Not a fan of the black bases though. Looks unfortunately like D&D prepaints or clix figs. If you don't like grassy bases, perhaps a desert, rocky, lava or other scheme?

Edited by eilif

I think the black looks fine, for now. It makes the base blend into the tray so that your focus is on the miniatures. And with a neutral color like that, you can always decide to come back and base it later. It's a great stopping point for your army.

That's a stellar shade of red you got there. It's the Ferrari Barony right? :D
We're doing red scheme with silver trim for my friends Daqan, I'm definitely sending him to this thread for inspiration.

Fantastic job!

Thanks for the comments, all! Its just a personal preference on the bases. I don't really care much for the organic look of rocks/grass/etc. I think the black provides a lot of contrast to the pieces themselves. I tend to favor clarity over simulating realism. As for the red, I kind of took a risk there. I chose Wild Rider Red from Citadel and shaded it with two coats of Reikland Fleshshade. I wanted a deep red finished look, but pure reds tend to be rather dark and shading can make it far too dark. And that requires a lot of highlighting to pull it all back up. Wild Rider Red is a slightly paler red orange and Reikland is a burnt umber wash. Together, they give a really nice shaded pure red look.