The Jade Throne Podcast

By The Jade Throne Podcast, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Thought I would make a single post and put the link to the new episodes into this rather than making a new topic for each episode.

So here we go starting with:

The Jade Throne Podcast Episode 4: Conflict! and the Quest For More Content

Running low on caffeine Shey and Ryan cover the news out of the latest preview article, card previews, and listener question on their quest to get an episodes worth of content from a slow week of L5R news!

We are now on iTunes!

Episode 5: The Perfect Gift and the Return of Seth

This week we have the triumphant return of Seth, a crane clan spoiler card from FFG. All on top of recapping the L5R livestream last week and a discussion of the first fiction of the new game.

Also to see our Crane Clan preview visit our facebook

Edited by The Jade Throne Podcast

I am jealous of your spoiled card.

Any chance you guys could get on Soundcloud too? It's a lot easier to keep all my followed podcasts in the same place :P

I can look into it on the back emd libsyn is where we host and it has a lot of tool to cross post on other platforms so I will see if I can get us up on sound cloud as well.

We should now be on sound cloud! :D

You do know it's not called the Jade Throne any more. Hantei XXXVIII sits on the Chrysanthemum Throne...

Ya we know but our counter point is that is just asking to get attack by shadowlands infiltrators. Got to strike that fear in them with the jade otherwise your throne room will just get infested with oni and goblins and we all know how hard it is to get rid of oni once they have set in lol.


14 minutes ago, The Jade Throne Podcast said:

We should now be on sound cloud! :D

That's some service! Thank you!

Looks like it might just be our most recent episodes as sound cloud has a way lower upload limit than our normal host.

The Jade Throne Podcast Episode 6: The Crane Clan Cometh and a Special Guest Host!

This week we take a look at the now (mostly) completely spoiled Crane Clan with our special guest Chris Pottorf (frotop). Enjoy and if you would like to join in on the conversation join us on our


Twitter @thejadethrone


The Jade Throne Podcast Episode 7: Gen Can't

This week Shey and Ryan discuss the newest spoilers, the harrowing process of Gen Con registration, and the merits of stockpiling fate.

Also for our soundcloud listeners hopefully will have our soundclould situation fixed here soon.

Sorry we are a bit late this week everyone but hopefully its worth the added wait.

Episode 8: Toturi's No Good Rotten Day

This week its just Shey are returning guess Chris discussing Previews, Gencon, LCG rotation and the newest fiction article.

In episode 11, one of you said you don't like the word "synergy". I also didn't like the word until I discovered it is not a newly fashioned corporate buzzword. It comes to us from ancient Greek as a complete word.

Of course, feelings about words are complicated; I doubt anyone will ever convince me to use the word "utilize".

I'm curious, does this information change your view on "synergy" as a word?

And thanks for the podcast! Keep up the good work! :D

Thanks for the feedback! (Shey speaking here) I think Seth's dislike of the word more comes from me a few years back looking up all the corporate buzz words I could an insisting to troll him with them more when we would deckbuild than anything else lol.

Episode 12: Crabs and Imagine Dragon Clan
This week Shey and Ryan talk about how playing a few game with the Dragon clan cards have changed their opinions of the cards and flow of the game. We also talk about the Crab fiction and wander off on some tangents as Shey continues to be sleep deprived and cant stay on topic.

Episode 14 : Spoiler! We got a Phoenix spoiler.

This week after gazing deep in to the void Shey and Ryan have a fancy new Ishiken Initiate card to preview for the Phoenix. We also talk about the other spoilers and info that have dropped since last weeks episode, answer some listener questions and ramble about gencon for good measure!

Episode 16: Pins are OP
This week Shey Ryan and special guest Killian talk ffg organized play and experiment with trying to get our audio to be better as Gen Con ticks ever closer. Also feel free to comment, email or contact us with you thoughts on what the decks to beat for gencon are and we will add them to our gencon gauntlet analysis discussion next week!

Episode 17: Stay Golden Pony Boy Stay Golden

This week Shey and Chris give some evaluations of the unicorn and scorpion previews then talk shop about what we are thinking of playing and gencon and what to keep in mind while preping for the tournament.

Check us out on social media

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone
