Rune gollem red modfiër ?

By II Raptor II, in Runewars Rules Questions

So I was reading the new rune gollem article and it said the red modifiër adds an extra blue rune.

found in the article:

While their reliance on runes may make the Rune Golems seem like a risky choice, their modifier dial allows them to count an additional stable energy when they perform a melee attack or special ability, giving them much needed consistency.

To me its more a boost on your defense. Like boost the defense by this many blue runes. Is this a mistake I might be overlooking it in the rules I cant find it at the moment.

Yeah the article is incorrect.

That modifier means 'add defense equal to the amount of Stable energy in the energy pool'

Misinterpreting rules is a time honored tradition for FFG preview articles.

Good to see they're keeping it alive in RMG.

Marketing writes the articles not the game designers. As a consequence some of the rules are misunderstood and communicated improperly. This isn't the first time and it won't be the last time this happens.

Also, it's far better to call them by their shapes than colors, as the colors of the runes won't necessarily match the color on the dials.

On 5/3/2017 at 0:47 AM, MegaSilver said:

Also, it's far better to call them by their shapes than colors, as the colors of the runes won't necessarily match the color on the dials.

Also, some of us are colorblind.

I'm not a big fan of the actual rune icons. They're not distinctive enough, especially when printed very small on a card or dial. I would rather have seen a leaf for natural, a lightning bolt for stable and a flame for unstable. Something immediately obvious and distinct.

I will admit the shapes are odd. Unstable/red/triangle runes are obvious, both because theyre doubleicons but theyre.. well.. a triangle.
Natural(green/circle) and Stable (blue/square) with the artstyle they used are very similar, it took me a moment to notice the Stable ones were square to begin with. The main guy i play this with is colorblind and he has major issues with it.
Natural runes should have just been a fancy S, no circular effect.

I'm not color blind nor have any vision impairment and I also think the runes are way too hard to tell apart.