Fanmade cards while we speculate

By Wintersong, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Based off of the rpg books slightly,

Fortunist Monk

2 cost neutral dynasty character


1 glory


Action: bow this character - give this character shugenja and an elemental keyword until end of turn.

Shinseist Monk

2 cost neutral dynasty character


1 glory


Action: Discard a card during a conflict that this character is participating in - This character readies then gets +1 Mil.

I see what you're getting at with the Fortunist, but I think bowing the Monk to do so is too much of a cost. Maybe

Action : Play a card from your hand as if this character had Shugenja .


20 hours ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

I see what you're getting at with the Fortunist, but I think bowing the Monk to do so is too much of a cost. Maybe

Action : Play a card from your hand as if this character had Shugenja .


The theme of the card is that asking the fortunes for help is much harder for simple fortunist monk. He/She must put out much more effort but he/she is very versatile which is the element part. If you think that it is to penalizing for mechanical reasons then I think the best change would be to make it:

Action: Lose monk until end of phase - This character gains Shugenja and an elemental keyword until the end of your next action.

I do have to wonder, with your suggestion does the game have rules for playing an action inside an action? That's the only reason I wouldn't do it because I'm not sure the rules cover that eventuality.

Thanks for the interest in my ideas! With regards,

P'an Ku

Togashi Dashi *

3 cost Dragon character


Glory 0

Monk Tattooed

Action: During a conflict, discard a Kihö or Tattoo card from your hand - ready Togashi Dashi. (Unlimited)

"One must let go to move forward"

Shosuru Ren*

3 cost Scorpion Conflict character


Glory 1

Disguised Shinobi

Reaction: When Ren enters play, target opponent chooses to bow or dishonor one of their characters.

Can someone make templates for full art cards please

4 hours ago, P'an Ku said:

The theme of the card is that asking the fortunes for help is much harder for simple fortunist monk. He/She must put out much more effort but he/she is very versatile which is the element part. If you think that it is to penalizing for mechanical reasons then I think the best change would be to make it:

Action: Lose monk until end of phase - This character gains Shugenja and an elemental keyword until the end of your next action.

I do have to wonder, with your suggestion does the game have rules for playing an action inside an action? That's the only reason I wouldn't do it because I'm not sure the rules cover that eventuality.

Thanks for the interest in my ideas! With regards,

P'an Ku

There's Mitsu and the newer Phoenix Stronghold that have an action to let you play an action card (of a specific type) from your discard as if it was in your hand.

A reasonable number of spells that require a shugenja to be around require that shugenja to bow. If you need to bow to be a shugenja, then you can't use the spell.

2 hours ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

There's Mitsu and the newer Phoenix Stronghold that have an action to let you play an action card (of a specific type) from your discard as if it was in your hand.

A reasonable number of spells that require a shugenja to be around require that shugenja to bow. If you need to bow to be a shugenja, then you can't use the spell.

Only spell I know of that requires a shugenja to bow is Benten's Touch. Also I had forgotten about Mitsu and the phoenix stronghold. Thanks for reminding me. I guess the action to just let it cast a spell would work.

Mantra of Air

0 cost Dragon event

Kihō. Air.

Reaction: After an opponent declares an Air conflict, choose a Monk character or a character with a Monk attachment – honor that character and draw 1 card.

Here's one the custom card discord helped me work out.

Burden of Secrets

Scorpion Attachment - 1 Fate (1 influence)

Attach to a Shinobi character you control.

Interrupt: If you would lose honor-- Cancel that honor loss. Place that many honor tokens on Burden of Secrets.

Forced Interrupt: When Burden of Secrets leaves play-- Lose honor equal to the number of honor tokens on it.

On ‎3‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 3:49 PM, AradonTemplar said:

Here's one the custom card discord helped me work out.

Burden of Secrets

Scorpion Attachment - 1 Fate (1 influence)

Attach to a Shinobi character you control.

Interrupt: If you would lose honor-- Cancel that honor loss. Place that many honor tokens on Burden of Secrets.

Forced Interrupt: When Burden of Secrets leaves play-- Lose honor equal to the number of honor tokens on it.

No stat bonuses I'm guessing? Also this plus Duty could get silly fast. I like silly though so I hope they print this.

Hadn't thought about it, but I guess not. I think the silliest is using attachment sharing to move it to another character you control, as your secretive baggage gets heavier and heavier :P Desperately trying to find the next shinobi that can guard your secrets, until luck runs out and you become a disgrace. OR, you find a way to give control of it to an opponent and toss it on their shinobi. Good old Delusions of Grandeur shenanigans there

19 hours ago, AradonTemplar said:

Hadn't thought about it, but I guess not. I think the silliest is using attachment sharing to move it to another character you control, as your secretive baggage gets heavier and heavier :P Desperately trying to find the next shinobi that can guard your secrets, until luck runs out and you become a disgrace. OR, you find a way to give control of it to an opponent and toss it on their shinobi. Good old Delusions of Grandeur shenanigans there

Or the Pekkle bomb, as was played on the CCG.

Blockade reinforcements

0 cost crab event

Play during a Mil conflict - until the end of the conflict, your opponent cannot play characters from their hand or provinces.

Neutral Attachment - 1 cost, +1mil +1pol
Forced Interrupt: After attached character is targeted by an opponent's event or ability, you may lose 1 honor-- If you do, cancel the effects of that event. Otherwise, dishonor and bow attached character and discard Control. (Unlimited)

Edit: Or a less complex version:

Neutral Attachment - 0 cost, +0mil +1pol
Interrupt: When an opponent plays an event while attached character is participating in a conflict, lose 1 honor-- Cancel the effects of that event. (Unlimited?)
Forced Reaction: When an opponent plays an event targeting attached character-- Discard Control.

Edited by AradonTemplar

Venomous Words

1 cost Crane event

Action: During a conflict - initiate a Pol duel. Resolve the duel. The loser is dishonored and the winner does not bow from conflict resolution this conflict.

From the clan war books, first scroll scorpion.

The lost - Jigokuni Ochimuratachi

3 cost

4/4 0 glory

Text: Cannot have fate on it.

Reaction: When this card would leave play lose one honor and place an honor token on this card, to prevent it from leaving play. For each honor token on this card subtract 1 from it's military and political skill.

Flavor text: The remains of scorpions who wandered into the catacombs, never to return.

"We bow but do not break."
Neutral Event
1 Cost

Reaction: After your opponent resolves the effects of an Event - Gain honour equal to the cost of that event. Draw a card.

As the storm subsided, the mighty oak lay among the pitying reeds.

I was wondering a couple of things:

- Do you think characters could have negative stats? Or would "this character is actively bad for you in some situations" have to be in the textbox?

- What sort of stats or negatives would a 0 cost conflict character need?

I think negative stats wouldn't make much sense, given that stats have a minimum value of 0 anyways. A character that actually had negative numbers would need some significant ability to ever see play.

As far as a 0 cost conflict character, it really depends what you'd want it to do. If it's just a chump blocker or sac target, you could give it 0/0 stats and maybe something like "This character's skills cannot be increased by the effects of event cards."

Young Prodigy

0 cost dragon character


Glory 1

Monk Tattooed

Reaction: Whenever you play a Kihō or Tattoo card targeting this character - Give it +1/+1 until the end of the phase.

"One learns by doing."

Yoritomo's Alliance - Stronghold

Static trait your Minor Clan personalities gain +1 Mil/+1 Pol (to offset the lower stats to cost on most Mantis Peeps we've seen)

Interrupt: When paying a Fate cost lose X Honor - Reduce the Fate cost by X Fate.

Action: Action bow your stronghold. Lose 1 Fate - Gain 1 Honor

Start at 9 Honor, 7 Fate, 9 or 10 Influence

White venom (scorpion)

1 cost attachment



Play only if you have 6 or less Honor

Whenever attached character assigns or moves to a conflict, its controller loses 1 Honor.

How has nobody spoiled the last Crane pack cards yet??!

Tattooed Prodigy

3 cost Dragon Dynasty Character


Glory 0

Monk Tattooed

Action: Move a Fate from an unclaimed Ring to another unclaimed Ring - Draw a card.

"One learns by doing"