Fanmade cards while we speculate

By Wintersong, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Bayushi Goshiu*

4 cost Scorpion Dynasty character

- /5

glory 1

Courtier Rumourmonger

Action: During a Political conflict, bow Goshiu - Target player loses 1 honor for each Dishonored character he controls.

Unflattering Comparison

2 cost Crane event

2 inf

Action: During a Pol conflict - Reduce your opponents total skill value for this conflict by X. X is equal to the total Mil skill amongst participating characters they control.

Vicious Rumours

1 cost Scorpion Event

Play only if your dial is higher than an opponent's.

Action: During a Pol conflict, target an opposing participating character - that character gets -X pol where X is the difference in dials. If that character now has 0 or less Pol skill, discard that character.

Edited by BayushiFugu

Given how scorpion is already building a dial manipulation theme, I feel like this should have some sort of cost, at least. As is it's a free kill action that at worst needs a small combo to make the kill.

Given how unreliable 'have different dials' is, it probably needs to be really strong, but I agree that 'discard' is too powerful. Keep in mind that it probably won't be useful in the first two or three turns while players are still bidding high. That being said, I think it should probably be 'goes home bowed' instead of discard. If we're talking about 'commit sepukku' levels of vicious rumors, it probably needs a cost associated with it, like 1 or 2.

21 hours ago, AradonTemplar said:

Given how unreliable 'have different dials' is, it probably needs to be really strong, but I agree that 'discard' is too powerful. Keep in mind that it probably won't be useful in the first two or three turns while players are still bidding high. That being said, I think it should probably be 'goes home bowed' instead of discard. If we're talking about 'commit sepukku' levels of vicious rumors, it probably needs a cost associated with it, like 1 or 2.


Honor is my sword

1 cost Crane event

Reaction: After dials are revealed in a duel where your Duelist character is participating - Raise or lower your dial by your Duelist character's Glory.

Lord Moon's Curse

1 cost neutral attachment


Attached character cannot ready from card effects.

Action: discard a card and pay a fate off of attached character - discard this card.

Akodo's Leadership

2 cost Lion attachment unique



Attached character cannot be moved or bowed by opponent's card effects.

Forced Reaction: When an opponent gives you honor from honor dial bids - gain 1 honor and honor this character. If the character is not honored now then discard this attachment. (Unlimited)

A Glimpse of Fate

4 cost neutral event

Action: During the dynasty phase - search your dynasty deck for a card. Shuffle you dynasty deck and put that card on top. You may flip over one face down card in a province.


0 cost neutral event

Interrupt: when a forced trigger occurs - negate the effects of the forced trigger.

Bad Karma

0 cost Phoenix event

Reaction: When a character enters play without being payed for - Dishonor that character and blank it until end of phase.

Footsteps of Madness

0 cost neutral event

Action: During a conflict choose a stronghold - Bow that stronghold and its controller may draw a card.

Green Nightshade Blend

0 cost Scorpion event


Action: During a pol conflict choose a character - chosen character gets -1/-1 for each poison attachment on them until end of the conflict. If the character now has equal or less pol than fate on them then move all fate on them to their owners fate pool.

Nightsilk Poison

1 cost Scorpion attachment



Attached character cannot perform actions.

Shosuru Hametsu *

3 cost Dynasty character


Glory 0

Shinobi Poison Master

Action: Search your Conflict deck for a Poison attachment, reveal it and put it into your hand then shuffle.


2 cost Scorpion attachment


When this card is played, lose 1 Honor.

Attached character gains the Shinobi trait and the ability:

Action: During a conflict, bow this attachment - Move attached character into the conflict from home or home from the conflict.

On 11/2/2018 at 12:57 PM, BayushiFugu said:

Vicious Rumours

1 cost Scorpion Event

Play only if your dial is higher than an opponent's.

Action: During a Pol conflict, target an opposing participating character - that character gets -X pol where X is the difference in dials. If that character now has 0 or less Pol skill, discard that character.

Does this game really need to have even more reason for no one to ever make any bid other than 5?
It is already ridiculously debilitating to bid any lower, giving the ability to wipe out any character regardless of how many fate they have on them simply because they bid 1 or 2 is beyond the pale, anyone making such a low bid is already hurting themselves way more than anything they could possibly gain from it.

A card like this just further shuts down a supposed "win condition" that is meant to be viable, meant to even be the main way for 2 of the clans to win, but is currently out-and-out impossible to achieve.

Just now, TheHobgoblyn said:

Does this game really need to have even more reason for no one to ever make any bid other than 5?
It is already ridiculously debilitating to bid any lower, giving the ability to wipe out any character regardless of how many fate they have on them simply because they bid 1 or 2 is beyond the pale, anyone making such a low bid is already hurting themselves way more than anything they could possibly gain from it.

A card like this just further shuts down a supposed "win condition" that is meant to be viable, meant to even be the main way for 2 of the clans to win, but is currently out-and-out impossible to achieve.

You are aware I Can Swim is a card right.

46 minutes ago, Schmoozies said:

You are aware I Can Swim is a card right.

And that one has a cost of 2 and requires that you dishonor the character first.

Now, Scorpion have plenty of ways to dishonor characters, no doubt, but most of those ways require a second card.

A 1 cost card that just straight up kills any character is considerably more powerful.

And maybe more importantly, you seem to have forgotten that one is only allowed to run 3 copies of any one card in their deck, so a second card that does nearly the same thing as an already nearly broken card is basically allowing people to run 6 copies of that nearly broken card and do that action twice as often.

Just now, TheHobgoblyn said:

And that one has a cost of 2 and requires that you dishonor the character first.

Now, Scorpion have plenty of ways to dishonor characters, no doubt, but most of those ways require a second card.

A 1 cost card that just straight up kills any character is considerably more powerful.

And maybe more importantly, you seem to have forgotten that one is only allowed to run 3 copies of any one card in their deck, so a second card that does nearly the same thing as an already nearly broken card is basically allowing people to run 6 copies of that nearly broken card and do that action twice as often.

Well its not a guaranteed kill, (they need to deal with at best a 4 point Political differential for that), in most cases is more likely to be a 1-2 point hit (given the current bid environment) . Yes its dangerous for many characters at a danger zone level but that is the worst case scenario, and unlike Shoju as worded the 0 Political has to be immediate, its not a anytime until the end of the conflict condition, so to get valuable targets it will require some set up so either dis-honoring a character beforehand or other wise reducing their Political a bit which means it takes more cards. The limited to Political conflicts will serve as a minor mitigation. Not saying its not good as it clearly is, just pointing out that it takes a little set up itself to be game breaking. If you really wanted to balance it I would maybe swap it so that it requires you to have the lower bid (making it a composure card), so that you are chocking yourself of resources to play it.

There aren't very many cards in the game that have more than 3 politics and the ones that do cost at least 4-5 fate to even put on the board.
Even at a "normal" hit of 2, it is still plenty good to kill half the cards in the game.

Again, the issue is that it is adding yet another anti-honor runner card into a game where any idea of honor-running has been throughly beaten out of the realm of possibility-- and already comes with such a ridiculous drawback inherently given it provides you with less cards and the game is filled with ridiculously over-powered conflict cards, that there really isn't any need for even the meta that currently exists against it.

It would be one thing if every game inevitably became someone honoring every character on the board and winning by honor, but the current reality is the exact opposite of this. What is needed is more cards that make honor running possible and cards that make glory not a complete hindrance.

The last thing the game needs is more ridiculously broken cards for the already most unreasonably overpowered faction that give them further advantage over the weakest factions.

9 hours ago, TheHobgoblyn said:

There aren't very many cards in the game that have more than 3 politics and the ones that do cost at least 4-5 fate to even put on the board.
Even at a "normal" hit of 2, it is still plenty good to kill half the cards in the game.

Again, the issue is that it is adding yet another anti-honor runner card into a game where any idea of honor-running has been throughly beaten out of the realm of possibility-- and already comes with such a ridiculous drawback inherently given it provides you with less cards and the game is filled with ridiculously over-powered conflict cards, that there really isn't any need for even the meta that currently exists against it.

It would be one thing if every game inevitably became someone honoring every character on the board and winning by honor, but the current reality is the exact opposite of this. What is needed is more cards that make honor running possible and cards that make glory not a complete hindrance.

The last thing the game needs is more ridiculously broken cards for the already most unreasonably overpowered faction that give them further advantage over the weakest factions.

It is funny you say this since Crane beat out Scorpion in Worlds. I agree that more cards need to be made to ensure honor victory but since none of the cards posted here are actual cards in the game, there is no real need to debate lol.

I Call Upon my Ancestors

1 cost Lion Event

Spell Water

Action: Durning a conflict, if you control a Shugenja character, target a character in your Dynasty discard pile - put that character into play in the current conflict. If that character has the Commander keyword, honor them. At the end of the conflict, shuffle that character back into your deck.

Edited by BayushiFugu
Just now, BayushiFugu said:

I Call Upon my Ancestors

1 cost Lion Event

Spell Water

Action: Durning a conflict, target a character in your Dynasty discard pile - put that character into play in the current conflict. If that character has the Commander keyword, honor them. At the end of the conflict, shuffle that character back into your deck.

I would add the must have a Shugenja in play restriction.

33 minutes ago, Schmoozies said:

I would add the must have a Shugenja in play restriction.


I've been wondering what the emperor would look like if he ever got off his throne. Since he never has I just cooked this up as an idea.

Emperor Hantei XXXVIII

6 cost neutral character unique


Emperor, Imperial, Son of Heaven

Cannot be challenged.

Action: Honor Emperor Hantei XXXVIII - Perform a glory count and give the player with the highest glory the imperial favor.

Emperor Hantei XXXVIII *

6 cost Neutral character


glory 5

Emperor Imperial

Cannot be the target of your opponent's card effects if you control the Imperial Favor.

Action: Bow an Imperial card you control - gain the Imperial Favor.

"All serve the Son of Heaven"

Edited by BayushiFugu

Respected Shōshō
2 cost Lion Dynasty character
2 Mil
1 Pol
2 Glory

Commander. Bushi.

Composure - Characters you control may not be dishonoured.

"Give me your best."
1 Cost Lion Conflict event.
2 Inf

Action - Initiate a Mil duel. The winner may draw 4 cards.

Untamed Mitsu
2 cost Lion Dynasty character
2 Mil
2 Pol
0 Glory


Action: While this character is bowed at home, choose an opponent's attacking character - Move the chosen character home.

Seeing as how Unicorn won the first leg of the design a card poll, and someone mentioned Unicorn War Dogs.......

Here is what I'm hoping to see:

5 Unique named war dogs, conflict cards each with 4 influence.

One dog will buff the others dog's stars while in play

One dog allows you to search your deck or discard for other dogs

One dog allows you to sacrifice a dog to negate an action targeting the war dog master

One dog allows you to sacrifce a dog to destroys attachment

One dog allows you to play other dogs from you hand as attachments on opponents characters to give them a debuff and/or cloud the mind type effect.

Togashi Mushu *

3 cost Dragon Dynasty Character

3/3 glory 0

Monk Tattooed

No attachments except Monk or Tattoo

Action: Put a Fate on an unclaimed Ring - Return a Kihō or Tattoo card from your Conflict discard pile to your hand.

"His katas are fluid as water"

Yin-Yang Tattoo

1 cost Dragon attachment



Attach to a Monk character you control.

Attached character's stats cannot be changed by an opponent's card effects.

"Everything must be balanced"

Monastery of Light

Dragon Stronghold

+2 Strength



Action: Bow this stronghold and target your Monk character in play - Straighten that character and give him +1/+1 until end of phase.

Togashi Renshin *

3 cost Dragon Dynasty character


Glory 1

Monk Tattooed

Action: Discard a card from your hand - Draw a card. If the card you discarded was a Kihō event, draw two cards instead.

14 hours ago, BayushiFugu said:

Togashi Mushu *

3 cost Dragon Dynasty Character

3/3 glory 0

Monk Tattooed

No attachments except Monk or Tattoo

Action: Put a Fate on an unclaimed Ring - Return a Kihō or Tattoo card from your Conflict discard pile to your hand.

"His katas are fluid as water."

"Dishonor on you. Dishonor on your cow. Dis..."

Fixed. :p

Ward of Air

0 cost Phoenix event

Spell Air

Keeper role only

Play only if you control a Shugenja character.

Interrupt: When an opponent's non spell Event would initiate - Cancel its effects.