Fanmade cards while we speculate

By Wintersong, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

34 minutes ago, Brekekekiwi said:

Righteous Warden
2 Cost Lion Character (Dynasty)
1 Mil
0 Pol
1 Glory
Reaction: After your opponent declares attackers - Assign this character as a defender, then take X honour from the attacking player. X is equal to the number of attacking characters.

Wording is a little off and the power is very swingey.

May be better as:

Reaction - When this character is declared as a defender if their were more participating characters declared as attackers then defenders take honor from the attacking player equal to the difference between participating characters.

Here are a few unaligned character ideas

Corrupting Bloodspeaker (Unaligned)
Cost: 3
Military: 2
Politics: -
Glory: 0
Shugenja. Shadowlands.
Action: Bow this character and remove 1 Fate from it to place a Corruption token on another character. A character with a corruption token has the Shadowlands trait. When a character with a corruption token runs out of fate, instead of being discarded it remains in play under no player's control. During your next Dynasty phase, you may play that character paying all costs, but ignoring all restrictions, as though it were in your hand. If you do not, the card is discarded in its original owner's discard pile.

Kasuga Merchant (Unaligned)
Cost: 2
Military: 0
Politics: 1
Glory: 1
Imperial. Courtier.
Action: Bow and destroy this character to remove an attachment from either player's discard pile, you may attach it to any character who could legally attach it paying 1 less than the printed cost.

Tsuruchi Bounty Hunter (Unaligned)
Cost: 2
Military: 3
Politics: 1
Glory: 1
Mantis Clan, Bushi.
Action: Bow and dishonor this character to remove 1 fate from another character. If this action is performed on a character with 0 fate remaining, that character and all attachments are immediately discarded.

Edited by TheHobgoblyn

Ikoma Miyuki (Unique Lion Dynasty)
2 Cost

0 Mil
2 Pol
1 Glory
Courtier. Duelist.
Reaction: After honour dials are revealed, discard a card - Decrease the value of your bid by 1 (to a minimum of 0). Gain an honour.

This one came to mind when I was thinking about how taking 3 Way of the Chrysanthemums can pay off in turn one or even two sometimes, but then I usually end up with one or two clogging my hand. Having a way to discard them and get back the honour I lost to draw them in the first place seemed useful.

Edited by Brekekekiwi
4 hours ago, Brekekekiwi said:

Ikoma Miyuki  (Unique Lion Dynasty)
  2 Cost

0 Mil
2 Pol
1 Glory
Courtier. Duelist.
Reaction: After honour dials are revealed, discard a card - Decrease the value of your bid by 1 (to a minimum of 0). Gain an honour.

Given that there is a Scorpion 1/1/1 for 1 non-unique that can raise their honor bid by 1 after revealing it...

This really seems too costly.

Granted, this is supposed to be for Lion and Lion aren't supposed to be good at doing courtier stuff, so maybe it is right for it to be more limited?
Still, it seems a bit costly to gain a single honor. By reducing your bid, you will draw 1 less card. Furthermore, you discard a card from your hand. You are giving up 2 cards to get 1 honor.

Maybe something more akin to the ability to discard a card during a conflict to gain a point of honor or something would be better?

Kitsu Channel (Lion Dynasty)
2 Cost
1 Mil
2 Pol
2 Glory
Gain all honour on this character when it leaves play.
Reaction: After a card you control enters play from a discard pile - Place one honour on this character. (Unlimited)

Respected Foes Dojo (Lion Holding)
+1 Province Strength
Action: During a conflict you are defending, if your honour dial is equal to the attacking player's honour dial - Move a character to the conflict and ready them. That character gains +1 Mil and +1 Pol until the end of the conflict.

Imperial Smith (Neutral Holding)
+1 Province Strength
Action: Attach a +1 Mil, +1 Pol Attachment Token to a character that has no attachments. This character gains +1 glory. Discard the attachment at the end of this turn.

Loyal Brotherhood Monastery (Neutral Holding)
+1 Province Strength
Action: When a conflict is declared at this province, place the card within the province into the conflict face down. This card functions as a 2 Military, 2 Politics, 1 Glory Neutral Monk Character. Discard this card at the end of the conflict.

Miya Scout (Neutral Character)
Cost: 1
0 Military, 2 Politics, 1 Glory
Imperial Courtier
This card may not be assigned as an attacker unless you control the Imperial Favor.
Action: During a conflict this card is participating in, move a Neutral or Imperial Character you control into this conflict and move this character out of the conflict.

Influential Magistrate (Neutral Character)
Cost: 3
1 Military, 1 Politics, 1 Glory
Bushi Imperial Magistrate
While this character is defending, only other characters with glory 2 or higher count their skill toward the resolution of this conflict.

Otomo Bureaucrat (Neutral Character)
Cost: 3
0 Military, 2 Politics, 1 Glory
Imperial Courtier
Action: When a character controlled by either player becomes honored, either honor an additional character or draw a card (Limit 1 per turn)

Seppun Astrologer (Neutral Character)
Cost: 3
2 Military, 2 Politics, 1 Glory
Imperial Shugenja Water
Action: Bow this card and look at the top 3 cards of either player's conflict deck. Return those cards in any order.

Kasuga Sabotuer (Neutral Character)
Cost: 2
1 Military, 0 Politics, 1 Glory
Imperial Bushi
Action: During a conflict where this character is an attacker, dishonor this character to lower the province strength by 2.

Hidden Guardian (Neutral Attachment)
Cost: 1
+X Military, +0 Politics
This follower has a Military Strength equal to the glory of the character it is attached to
Reaction: When this character is targeted by an action, dishonor the character and destroy this follower to negate the action.

Imperial Seal (Neutral Attachment)
Cost: 0
+0 Military, +1 Politics
Imperial Item. Seal.
Attached character gains the Imperial and Magistrate traits.

The Privilege of Power (Neutral Event)
Cost: 0
Action: Bow two of your Imperial characters, take the Imperial Favor

Delivering Justice (Neutral Event)
Cost: 1
Action: When one of your Magistrate characters is opposing a dishonored character, bow and remove a fate from the dishonored character or discard it if it has no remaining fate and honor your Magistrate character.

Imperial Word (Neutral Event)
Cost: 0
Reaction: When you would lose honor or one of your characters would be dishonored, bow one of your Imperial Courtiers and negate the honor loss or dishonor.

Togashi Furimi *

Dragon Clan Dynasty Character

3 cost


Glory 0

Monk Tattooed

No attachments except Tattoo and Monk attachments.

Action: During a conflict - Give Furimi +1 mil or +1 pol for each attachment he has.

"His tattoos seem to blend and move on their own accord." - Togashi Mitsu

Daigotsu Miki *

5 cost


glory 1

Bushi Undead Paragon Dark Fist of Iron

Forced Reaction: When Miki enters play - Lose 1 honor

After the Dynasty Phase begins - Remove a Fate from Miki. If you cannot, discard him from play.

Arrowroot Tattoo

Dragon Clan Attachment

1 cost



Attach to a Monk character you control. Attached character gains the Tattooed trait.

Action: Target a friendly character - Move one or more Fate from that character to attached character.

Earthen Fist

0 cost Dragon Event

Kihō Earth

Action: During a Mil conflict, target your participating Monk character and an opposing character - Reduce the opposing character's Mil skill by your Monk's skill. If the opposing character now has 0 or less Mil skill, bow it.

The Celestial Order

2 cost neutral event


This event costs 1 less if you control the imperial favor and have the highest honor.

Reaction: When a player bids higher than you during honor bids - Draw an additional card and your opponent draws one less card.

Subversion of Destiny

2 cost neutral event

Action: During the Dynasty phase - Each player may spend fate to play characters in any province until end of phase. Players may not put fate on any character they do not own.

Honor is my Shield

0 cost Lion Event

Play only if your honor dial is lower than your opponents

Action: During a Mil conflict, target your participating Bushi character - Give him a Mil bonus equal to the difference in honor dials until the end of the conflict.

Did an update for the Fox stronghold.


This is due to playtesting and all the eejits trashtalking how awesome Fox and Mantis are together (mostly playtesting).

21 minutes ago, Coyote Walks said:

Did an update for the Fox stronghold.


This is due to playtesting and all the eejits trashtalking how awesome Fox and Mantis are together (mostly playtesting).

Is there something else you've cooked up that bows strongholds? As written, there's nothing on the card that bows the SH yet it has an action to ready it. What am I missing?

8 minutes ago, Kaito Kikaze said:

Is there something else you've cooked up that bows strongholds? As written, there's nothing on the card that bows the SH yet it has an action to ready it. What am I missing?

The Fox Deck I cooked up more than six months ago.

The short version is that the Fox Shugenja summon token spirits by bowing the stronghold.

On 10/22/2018 at 12:19 PM, Coyote Walks said:

Did an update for the Fox stronghold.


This is due to playtesting and all the eejits trashtalking how awesome Fox and Mantis are together (mostly playtesting).

seems a bit busted since you can speed honor victory with 3 honor a turn by bowing it twice and your opponent bowing theirs. Also +3 str and a reduction in cost is a bit much even with the less fate a turn,

Have you thought of tweeking it a bit; maybe something on the lines of this:

Kyuden Kitsune




Your Fox Clan and Mantis Clan Characters enter play for 1 less fate, to a minimum of 1.

Action: Bow this stronghold - Gain 1 honor. If you control a Fox Clan and a Mantis Clan character, gain 2 honor instead.

3 hours ago, BayushiFugu said:

seems a bit busted since you can speed honor victory with 3 honor a turn by bowing it twice and your opponent bowing theirs. Also +3 str and a reduction in cost is a bit much even with the less fate a turn,

If it was a +2 10/7/10, I would completely agree with you. But that third point of honor is completely up to my opponent.

The ability to attack, of the Fox characters I mocked up, is severely limited. So they aren't activating ring effects often.

Also, I would invite you to play a game with only 6 Fate per turn. It changes more of the game than you think.

Edited by Coyote Walks

I'll point out that there is no way for that Fox Stronghold to actually bow at the moment, to gain that honour. There's a static effect to gain, and an action to ready, but nothing to actually bow it!

Admittedly, I haven't examined the selection of fox and mantis cards, but 6 fate a turn can't really be considered a drawback when also paired with 'clan characters cost 1 less.' As long as you play at least one character a turn, your economy is on par with a normal 7 fate stronghold, and you're actually a whole fate ahead if you play 2 characters in one turn. I'm not sure what is gained by fluctuating the economy of the stronghold based on how many characters you play out, rather than just giving it the normal 7 fate and removing the cost reduction. All I can imagine is that it incentivizes the clan to play many 2-3 costers (where it's economy is dependent on how many times you can trigger the ability), in which case you need to reduce the per-turn fate to like, 4 or 5 to force that shape on the clan without becoming broken.

I mean, I'd play a phoenix stronghold if all it said was "Phoenix characters cost 1 less to play (to a minimum of 1)" with no extra abilities on it whatsoever, even if it was at 6 fate a turn. So unless all the fox cards are straight up over-costed by 1 fate, I am missing the point. And even if that were the case, if you're using lower-powered fox cards to justify a broken economy, they can't also justify a huge honor rocket ability.

It's just a custom card forum, so don't let me stop you from designing what you want, and I admit I haven't playtested or examined the rest of the cards for context, but that's my 2 cents, for what it's worth. I think you'd be better off simplifying and returning to the 7-fate a turn and no cost reduction.

22 minutes ago, AradonTemplar said:

Admittedly, I haven't examined the selection of fox and mantis cards, but 6 fate a turn can't really be considered a drawback when also paired with 'clan characters cost 1 less.' As long as you play at least one character a turn, your economy is on par with a normal 7 fate stronghold, and you're actually a whole fate ahead if you play 2 characters in one turn. I'm not sure what is gained by fluctuating the economy of the stronghold based on how many characters you play out, rather than just giving it the normal 7 fate and removing the cost reduction.

Actually, it really wouldn't be.

One can take a look at neutral characters printed so far and compare them to clan equivalents printed so far and make a pretty good correlation that neutral cards are printed as either 1/1 weaker or 1 cost higher than they would be if they were part of any clan.

If there is going to be a stronghold of any sort that is going to disallow the running of any clan cards and force a person to use neutral cards, one is going to either need to pump their faction cards by +1/+1 or discount all cards by 1 in order just to break even.

That is to say nothing of the fact that all neutral events and provinces that aren't complete garbage have already landed on the restricted list.

So while I don't necessarily agree with the rest of the abilities on the card, I would say that presuming that the cards that one is going to run out of this stronghold are neutral cards, the discount rather than putting one ahead is actually just allowing one a chance to play on neutral footing.

1 hour ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

I'll point out that there is no way for that Fox Stronghold to actually bow at the moment, to gain that honour. There's a static effect to gain, and an action to ready, but nothing to actually bow it!


An example.

1 hour ago, Coyote Walks said:


An example.

I assume the intention is the Fox Spirit would survive until the end of turn and then die during the fate phase as it has not Fate?

42 minutes ago, Schmoozies said:

I assume the intention is the Fox Spirit would survive until the end of turn and then die during the fate phase as it has not Fate?


Which also makes them quite vulnerable to the Ring of Water.

2 hours ago, Coyote Walks said:


An example.

That's an interesting design space that I hope they visit at some point: cards with 'bow stronghold' as part of the cost.

30 minutes ago, Coyote Walks said:


Which also makes them quite vulnerable to the Ring of Water.

Quite vulnerable? You pop it into the middle of a conflict, so unless they have ways of triggering ring effects mid-conflict (which are pretty rare and deservedly strong anyways), that's never going to come up. This is a 3-cost Warrior Poet that only works on the defense, but the tradeoff is that you get a second 2/2 body too. If this is the level of Fox creatures, they don't deserve to be discounted, in my opinion.