Fanmade cards while we speculate

By Wintersong, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Strike without thought

1 cost Crane event

Interrupt: After dials are revealed in a duel but before stats are compared, reveal the top card of your Conflict deck - if the card revealed is an event, honor your participating Duelist character.

19 hours ago, BayushiFugu said:

Strike without thought

1 cost Crane event

Interrupt: After dials are revealed in a duel but before stats are compared, reveal the top card of your Conflict deck - if the card revealed is an event, honor your participating Duelist character.

This should actually be released as a card!

21 minutes ago, cforfar said:

This should actually be released as a card!


White Silk Venom

0 cost Scorpion attachment



Interrupt: When an opposing character challenges or is challenged to a duel - attach this card to that character from your hand or discard pile. Lose 1 honor.

Edited by BayushiFugu
10 minutes ago, BayushiFugu said:

White Silk Venom

0 cost Scorpion attachment



Interrupt: When an opposing character challenges or is challenged to a duel - attach this card to that character from your hand or discard pile.

Needs an honor hit or some other restriction like dishonor a character or must control a Shinobi character to balance out the cost.

11 minutes ago, Schmoozies said:

Needs an honor hit or some other restriction like dishonor a character or must control a Shinobi character to balance out the cost.


Torii Tattoo

1 cost Dragon attachment


Monk character only. Attached character gains Tattooed

Reaction: When an opponent's card effect would target attached personality, bow this attachment - negate the effects.

"The arch offers protection to those who believe."

* Togashi Yama

Dragon Clan Dynasty Character. Cost 4

1 military, 3 political, 1 glory.

Shugenja. Earth.

Action: During a conflict, while this character is defending- Choose a holding in your dynasty discard pile. P ut that holding into play in this province discarding any cards currently in this province. This holding gets +1 strength until the end of the conflict.

He secretly hopes for some sort of invasion- just to see if his handiwork is as good as people keep telling him.

Togashi Taoshi *

3 cost Dragon Dynasty Character


Glory 0

Monk Tattooed

Action: During a conflict this character is participating in - Give Taoshi +1/+1 for each Tattoo and Monk attachment on her.

Concealing Mists

Neutral Holding - +1 strength

Action: While you control a shugenja, sacrifice this: turn this province facedown.


0 cost Dragon Event


Action: During a Mil conflict, target an opposing participating character with equal or less Mil skill than your participating Monk character - Move the opposing character home. It cannot be assigned to conflicts this phase.

I've been holding on to this one for a bit, only because I've been trying to develop generic strongholds for my friends and I to play for fun. I finally think I have the first one dialed in to be thematic and playable, but, hopefully not overpowered.

Seppun Family Stronghold

Province Strength 2

Starting honor: 12

Starting fate: 7

Influence: 0


If your opponent is not using the Seppun Family Stronghold, take the Imperial Favor.

You may include up to 4 copies of any non-unique Imperial Card in your deck

You may select up to 2 different Non-seeker or Non-keeper Roles

Action: Bow this stronghold and discard the Imperial Favor, your target character gets +2M/+2P, you may change your honor dial to any number.

The point of this one is to have a generic stronghold for imperials where you can only play neutral dynasty cards, but, you get to select two "support of" roles which allows you to play up to 8 points of cards from two different clans in your conflict deck.

Still undecided about the ability, but, I think it has a nice balance of being a decent buff and also providing some utility


Edited by Ishi Tonu
13 minutes ago, Ishi Tonu said:

I've been holding on to this one for a bit, only because I've been trying to develop generic strongholds for my friends and I to play for fun. I finally think I have the first one dialed in to be thematic and playable, but, hopefully not overpowered.

Seppun Family Stronghold

Province Strength 2

Starting honor: 12

Starting fate: 7

Influence: 0


If your opponent is not using the Seppun Family Stronghold, take the Imperial Favor.

You may include up to 4 copies of any non-unique Imperial Card in your deck

You may select up to 2 different Non-seeker or Non-keeper Roles

The point of this one is to have a generic stronghold for imperials where you can only play neutral dynasty cards, but, you get to select two "support of" roles which allows you to play up to 8 points of cards from two different clans in your conflict deck. I was thinking about having an ability tacked on that revolved around the Imperial Favor, but I wanted to see if there was anything else I should refine first


Nice, It sounds really interesting. Have you tested it?

5 minutes ago, Bayushi Kec said:

Nice, It sounds really interesting. Have you tested it?

I've done a little bit of gold fishing and sample games myself, but, I wanted to get it dialed in before I take it to the rest of my group. I'm still thinking it needs some sort of favor related ability, either static or bow and discard for effect. You're pretty limited dynasty sider with who you can play, but, the extra imperial cards get you at least enough bodies to make a deck. Ishikawa can get really big and Satoshi can get you an extra cheap body............oh I think I got an idea for an ability. I'll update the original card info

Don't know if it's too powerful but maybe an additional ability to bow the stronghold to take the Imperial Favor if it's "uncontrolled"?

Berserker Rage

0 cost Crab event

Action: During a conflict, target your participating Berserker character - Double his current Mil skill. Your opponent cannot target this character with card abilities. If this character is still in play after the conflict ends, discard it.

Village Warden (dunno if such a thing has a suitable japanese name...)
2 cost Lion non-unique dynasty character
1 Mil
1 Pol
1 Glory

Action: While this character is defending - Take X Honour from the attacking player. X is equal to the number of broken provinces you control.

The idea being that this poor wee villager underlines how awful and aggressive you have been by breaking our provinces, and you suffer honour loss for it. I thought of this basically being something I would love to play in my Honourable Lion deck.

Potentially it could win a game if I am at 22 Honour and you are attacking my stronghold and can't keep it out of the defense... Does that seem too much? Should it be more restricted? Should it have more limitations? Should it cost more or be unique (got naming suggestions in that case)?

10 hours ago, Brekekekiwi said:

Village Warden (dunno if such a thing has a suitable japanese name...)
2 cost Lion non-unique dynasty character
1 Mil
1 Pol
1 Glory

Action: While this character is defending - Take X Honour from the attacking player. X is equal to the number of broken provinces you control.

The idea being that this poor wee villager underlines how awful and aggressive you have been by breaking our provinces, and you suffer honour loss for it. I thought of this basically being something I would love to play in my Honourable Lion deck.

Potentially it could win a game if I am at 22 Honour and you are attacking my stronghold and can't keep it out of the defense... Does that seem too much? Should it be more restricted? Should it have more limitations? Should it cost more or be unique (got naming suggestions in that case)?

My take on it

Village Warden

2 cost


Glory 1


Action: When this character is defending - Sacrifice this character and gain X honor where X is the number of your provinces that have been broken.

"My life for my village"

On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 5:53 PM, HirumaShigure said:

Don't know if it's too powerful but maybe an additional ability to bow the stronghold to take the Imperial Favor if it's "uncontrolled"?

That could be and interesting trick too. it's also a way to solve the potential mirror match up as well, because now both people have a shot at getting the favor it just depends on who is willing to take the fate hit to go after it. I'll check that version out too. I was liking the honor dial switch just because it can make some dial dependent cards relevant

Hidden Falls Dojo (Crane Stronghold)

+1 Str


12 honor/ 7 Fate/ 10 Influence

Action: During a conflict, bow this SH and target your participating Duelist character - That character challenges an opposing participating character to a Pol duel. Dishonor and discard the loser.

Here's one for lion


Cost 1 attachment influence 2

Play only on a non unique character you control. This character does not discard fate or get discarded during the fate phase if you have more honor than your opponents

Edited by Taki
5 hours ago, Taki said:

Here's one for lion


Cost 1 attachment influence 2

Play only on a non unique character you control. This character does not discard fate or get discarded during the fate phase if you have more honor than your opponents

what are the stats on it?

Iuchi Ren*

3 cost Unicorn Dynasty Character


Glory 2

Shugenja Water Cavalry

Reaction: After a Water spell is played during a conflict - Move Ren into or from that conflict.

On 7/21/2018 at 5:36 PM, BayushiFugu said:

what are the stats on it?

Good spot there, I would make it 0/0

Togashi Teijo*

3 cost


Glory 1

Monk Tattooed

Action: If you have the Void ring in your claimed pool - Draw a card.