Maybe. For my opinion, I wouldn't pay 1 fate for +1/+1 on supernatural storm, even if I trigger it twice with Kyuden Isawa, so for that card I don't think it'd merit a +1 tax. The synergies with yojimbo are probably on-par with synergies from the seals, in terms of number and quality, at least for the more useful seals. It's not that they're not there, it's that they're good enough to make the card as useful as another card, not one that deserves to cost 2 fate.
Against the Waves is pretty good, true. I could see 1 fate, but not 2. And I'd still be leaning towards 0 instead, but at least it's flexible, so I guess there's that.
Unfortunately, it has memory issues in remembering what you've chosen, but that's ok for a fan card.