Fanmade cards while we speculate

By Wintersong, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

The Wall is my Duty

0 cost Crab Event

Action: During a conflict, sacrifice a friendly defending Beserker character you control - Bow all attacking characters with cost less than the sacrificed character's Mil skill.

breach of etiquette

0 cost neutral event

Action: target a dishonored character in play - their controller chooses to either discard that character or lose 3 Honor.

"Spilling the tea during a tea ceremony is unforgivable"

5 hours ago, BayushiFugu said:

breach of etiquette

0 cost neutral event

Action: target a dishonored character in play - their controller chooses to either discard that character or lose 3 Honor.

"Spilling the tea during a tea ceremony is unforgivable"

I like the theme of this card idea, however it seems too good without an actual fate cost to it or reduce the amount of honor your opponent loses. I love this thematically though!

Fleeting Shadow

2 cost Scorpion Conflict character


Glory 0

Shinobi Shadow

After this character participates in a conflict - Shuffle it into its controller's Conflict deck.

"It is as if he were never here"

Can anyone post the following template images please

Crab character

Crab attachment

Crab holding

Crab event

Only asking as I can't find any templates that I'm able to use because they have white backgrounds and don't allow images to be used underneath them


Hida terrai

Hida O-Ushi

4 cost Crab Dynasty Character


Glory 1

Bushi Berserker Bully

Action: During a Mil conflict, target an opposing participating character with equal or lower Mil skill - Bow that character. It cannot straighten until end of phase.

Line in the sand

0 cost Neutral Event

Reaction: After one of your Duelist characters is challenged to a duel - cancel the duel without effect.

"You may cross this line if you value little your Honor"

56 minutes ago, thorrk said:



Tsunami Tattoo

1 cost Dragon attachment



Monk character only.

Attached character gains Tattooed

Action: During a conflict, straighten attached character then move them into the conflict if able.

33 minutes ago, BayushiFugu said:

Tsunami Tattoo

1 cost Dragon attachment



Monk character only.

Attached character gains Tattooed

Action: During a conflict, straighten attached character then move them into the conflict if able.

There is already a similar version of his as Hawk Tattoo so wouldn't suggest giving dragon what would essentially equate to another harpoon attachment to enable the Rags/Kazue engine.

3 hours ago, Schmoozies said:

There is already a similar version of his as Hawk Tattoo so wouldn't suggest giving dragon what would essentially equate to another harpoon attachment to enable the Rags/Kazue engine.

this one attaches to monk only.

Tiger Tattoo

1 Cost Dragon Attachment



Monk character only. Attached character gains Tattooed.

Action: During a Mil conflict, if attached character is your only participating character - Give attached character +2 Mil and your opponents card effects cannot bow them.

"Be careful when you corner a cat. That is when you notice his claws."

Togashi Renaku

3 cost Dragon Dynasty Character


Glory 0

Monk Tattooed

Renaku has +1/+1 for each Tattoo attachment on him.

Action: During a conflict - Attach a Tattoo attachment from your hand or discard pile to Renaku, reducing its cost by 1 Fate.

6 hours ago, BayushiFugu said:

Tsunami Tattoo

1 cost Dragon attachment



Monk character only.

Attached character gains Tattooed

Action: During a conflict, straighten attached character then move them into the conflict if able.

1 fate for 1 stat and a straight+move every round? That's better than Sashimono.

Your secrets are mine

2 cost Scorpion Event

Interrupt: When an opponent would lose 1 or more Honor - They must discard the same number of cards at random.

"When you Lord learns of this geisha lover of yours Doji-San, she will not be pleased."



4 fate

action: during a military conflict target a participating character you control. This character and cards within this unit cannot be targetted until after battle resolution. If this unit is still at the resolution of the battle it contributes double the force of the units current military skill. This unit is then discarded after battle resolution.

" I can do this alone! "

Edited by hida-terrai

1 fate for 1 stat and a straight+move every round? That's better than Sashimono.

Don't mind him, most cards he makes are ridiculously OP .

Edited by thorrk
3 hours ago, thorrk said:

Don't mind him, most cards he makes are ridiculously OP .

You are one to comment.

On 7/6/2018 at 12:44 PM, BayushiFugu said:

You are one to comment.

Can't you just feel the love

Bayushi Goshiu *

4 Cost Scorpion Dynasty Character


Glory 1


Interrupt: When you would lose honor from a Ring effect, card ability or framework step, choose another player - that player loses the honor instead. (Max once per turn)

"In war, prepare for peace. In peace, prepare for war. Thus is the way of balance." - Hanoshi

Kaiu Suman*

2 cost Crab Dynasty Character


glory 0

Bushi Siege

Action: During a conflict, sacrifice Suman - destroy target holding attached to the attacked province or reveal a holding in your Dynasty discard pile and attach it to the attacked province, discarding the card currently in it.