Been going through Kindred fire, and by FAR, the most frustrating and infuriating monster activation special ability is "during this activation heroes cannot exhaust cards or voluntarily suffer fatigue".
That's just stupid.
Basically this event makes planning worthless, shields worthless, abilities worthless, the knight worthless. This is a cheap way to increase the difficulty and needs to be reworked. I don't know how many times we have purposefully set the knight in front to trigger guard, and then that stupid activation completely negates any strategy we had. Or we have our mage up front with plenty of stamina left for use with ghost armor, and then he just get's KO'd from inability to use his own skill. Not only that, but the ironbound rune can't be exhausted to help with defense with our helpless mage.
I can't understand anything thematic about, suddenly, you are naked and have no abilities. The other modifiers have been ok, frustrating at times, but ok. But this one is just game changing.
Anyone else frustrated by this modifier?