How can I simplify Healing?

By Emirikol, in WFRP House Rules

I'm working on some ideas to simplify healing of wounds.

I'd rather just see first aid or medicine be like a healing draught in simplicity (roll some white dice). Anybody have any suggestions?


I don't have a suggestion to offer, but I'm eager to hear any ideas others might have. I've also been looking for a way to sort of merge the healing rules into one that's quick and universal.

HMM I don`t think the healing rules are very complicated at all.

They fall into 2 categories 1)First Aid & Immediate Care and 2) Rest & Recovery

If you take damage in combat you are allowed 1 succesful First Aid check per act or scene. (Active healing)

After a night`s sleep any critical wounded characters must a Resilience check to see if they can shake of 1 Critical wound card. (passive healing)

And that is all there is to healing. But if it is downtime, I just say it goes a week and you are fully recuperated! Next adventure!

Besides that there are some modifications for Assist recovery and long Term care.