Problems with H&M packs side quest. not showing

By ekator, in Road to Legend

Cannot get H&M packs side quest to run.

i did 5 test runs of kindred fire. Steam version and android version. selected only basic game and all H&M packs (checked. all monster showing)

always get same 10 side quest from basic game (aren't suposed to be 8?)

-Pest Control
-Dragon Hunting
-Enemy Of My Enemy
-Hook, Line and Tentacle
-Lair Of Tekaris
-Prison Break)
-Souls To save
-The Treasure Of Davin Throm
-Tombs Of Kayladorn

Yep, it's a bug, the h&m side quests are not showing in any adventure.

I tested this extensively on the steam and android versions and came to the same conclusion. I sent a message to to make them aware of the problem.

4 hours ago, DerDelphi said:

I tested this extensively on the steam and android versions and came to the same conclusion. I sent a message to to make them aware of the problem.

I just emailed them as well.

I was beginning to wondering ...
Is it true for all versions of the app ?

8 hours ago, Tintaglia said:

I was beginning to wondering ...
Is it true for all versions of the app ?

Don't know, but the h&m sides quests worked on my last kindred fired campaign (I did not play seeds of corruption yet, just tested to find the bug in question ). Tested the 1.2.2 version too and the bug already exists.

I wonder if they really test the code software for all product configurations, because this is not the first time that type of problem occurs.

Edited by kraisto

Unfortunately I haven't received a response 6 days after having sent the notice. There was only an automatic acknowledgement of my mail being received.

I'm unsure whether or not we will see a fix soon. Which is sad, because from the looks of it, it should be something that can be fixed with rather manageable effort.

Same with me, I haven't received a response.

Got a response

Michelle (Asmodee North America)

May 1, 11:26 CDT

Hi Ron!

Thank you for inquiring about this. Your mailing has been passed along to the software team who is responsible for these types of claims. They'll reach out to you as soon as they can. As always, please contact us directly if you have any further questions or concerns.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Customer Service Team
Asmodee North America

update: Thanks for your email regarding the Road to Legend app. We are aware that the Hero and Monster Collections are not populating side quests correctly, and expect to push an update to fix this issue within the week.


Paul Klecker
FFG Software

5 hours ago, The Cocky Rooster said:

update: Thanks for your email regarding the Road to Legend app. We are aware that the Hero and Monster Collections are not populating side quests correctly, and expect to push an update to fix this issue within the week.


Paul Klecker
FFG Software

Hope for a fix on the Serena activation bug in Delve too ;)

10 hours ago, The Cocky Rooster said:

Thanks for your email regarding the Road to Legend app. We are aware that the Hero and Monster Collections are not populating side quests correctly, and expect to push an update to fix this issue within the week.


Paul Klecker
FFG Software

I received the same response yesterday. Sounds promising :)

V 1.3.1 has just been released on Steam. Here is the changelog:

Updated Rulebook.
Fixed issue where some Hero & Monster Pack side quests weren't appearing in Kindred Fire.
Fixed soft-lock caused by interrupting the world-map tutorial sequence.
Fixed soft-lock when returning from various quests.

7 hours ago, DerDelphi said:

V 1.3.1 has just been released on Steam. Here is the changelog:

Updated Rulebook.
Fixed issue where some Hero & Monster Pack side quests weren't appearing in Kindred Fire.
Fixed soft-lock caused by interrupting the world-map tutorial sequence.
Fixed soft-lock when returning from various quests.

And a revised rulebook for Road to Legend available.

10 hours ago, kraisto said:

And a revised rulebook for Road to Legend available.

Did anyone find rule changes ?

e.g. "Trading" has new clarifications (after a move action at any time during that turn).

I wonder if the change on trading is supposed to apply to standard game, too. It would make a lot of sense if it does.

1 hour ago, Sadgit said:

I wonder if the change on trading is supposed to apply to standard game, too. It would make a lot of sense if it does.

Doubtful. RtL rulebook lists differences from OL play, but to my knowledge no RtL rules apply to OL play.

Is this the first version of the rulebook where they combine the general Descent rules with the app rules?

It looks as if its made for print too, maybe they will add it to a new print run of the base game?

That makes a lot of sense, hopefully that happens.

On 08/05/2017 at 9:25 PM, kraisto said:

And a revised rulebook for Road to Legend available.

And no updates on android version yet .... :rolleyes: