AAR: VT Decimators in action

By tgall, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Great write-up and pictures. Thank you for sharing that!

Great write up.

Only issue VT's have is that they are heavy and won't stop a bomber ball from bombing, other than that, VT's will wreck generics if left alone.

But, if you get the hero VT, it is not heavy. You toss them in any ball and as Anakin would say. "This is where the fun begins."

Great battle report, and I liked seeing the rare squadrons taken out for a spin.

I've run Decimators myself, in one of 2 formats that may be a bit better:

  • Morna Kee, Rhymer and 4 Decimators

(Morna is a lot better than a normal decimator -8 hull with a renewable Brace is brilliant, but not being Heavy is the real prize)

  • Morna Kee, Rhymer, 3 Decimators, Zertrik and Gamma

(Zertrik with his double brace makes the whole fleet take longer to kill, especially if he only engages a couple of enemies and splits their firepower. Zertrik's ability also benefits from high hull allies. Gamma is a brilliant bomber, not just because of Grit but also it is not heavy for 10pts)

Hahaha. Everyone ends with... well, dunno how it'll do against mass rebel fighters...

However, that was entertaining read and pictures. Please do more!

Valen Rudor is a great guy to bring with a pack of VT's along with Morna.

That was a fun game even though I was on the losing end. I think your list should do respectably well against massed rebel fighters.

To put a downer on things.

I took on Rhymer Dengar Lambda 3xVT Decimaters

With Zertik Maarek Jendon Saber Mauler Black

Only black and zertik died on my side. The braces completely neutered the VTs.