So played my first game with a friend rules are pretty clear so far. However here are some situations we couldnt find in the rules ourselves.
1. The spearmen made a charge move that collided with the enemy unit and a piece of terrain at the exact same time. I think this means you have to square up with the enemy unit as normal but still resolve any terrain effects that should happen and are not allowed to enter terrain ?
2. so when its not possible to move through your friendly unit(s) it simply becomes an obstacle that you collide with correct ? The stone golem collided with a friendly unit but its bonus action was a reform action is the bonus action when you collide with anything (enemy or friendly units) cancelled ? Example: stone golem reveals a march speed 2(blue) action with a reform moddifier (white) bonus action. The stone golem moves into a enemy unit (since it did not use a charge modifier it is assigned a panic token. Then after squaring up it performs its reform to turn 90 degrees. I know it doesnt make sense to use reform to turn your flank to your enemy but its just an example is it legal ?
3. A unit of oathsworn cavalry was touching the forest terrain template with its side edge after performing a shift but decided not to enter the terrain. Then my reanimates collided witht he forest and decided to enter the terrain. Are the units engaged now and are the reanimates flanking ?
4. Is there any way to move through terrain without colliding or entering like with allied units ? or does it really mean that when a unit collides with a piece of terrain with just the corner and decide not to enter. you probably have to use shift to get around the terrain otherwise you keep colliding ?
5. Erebus charged into a corner. we used the range ruler to decide if he charged the flank or the front like explained in the rulebook. a single unit always gets the template crossing over it meaning you can basically always choose to charge the flank even when it looks way more like a frontal attack ?
Sorry if there are alot of typo's
Thanks in advance