Ranger Leroy Jenkins House Rule

By Drunken One, in Talisman

New to the board here, love this game.

So some buddies and I have been putting in time towards this game recently and for kicks we decided to add a twist. In this twist we use the first Ranger follower pulled from the deck as a must keep follower. Once discarded that Ranger card get treated as it normally does. This Ranger follower is Leeeeeerrrrrooooy Jenkins!!!! This followers rules are:

On your next turn, after the player rolls they must move in a direction that crosses over or lands on an open 'Draw' space. If there are multiple directions with open 'Draw' spaces, the player can choose their direction. As you cross over or land on those open spaces, the empty spaces are filled by drawing the directed number of draws for each space and laid face up and place on the space. You can not redraw the space you land on and you can not use magic while Leroy is your follower. You can not have magic cast on you while Leroy is your follower. You can not be attacked while Leroy is your follower. You can not attack while Leroy is your follower. Losing a turn spaces and event cards are played as normal. Face up cards drawn on your movement path are played as normal. If there are no moves that have open 'Draw' spaces, Leroy is discarded for good before you move. If you land on a space that contains an enemy, you must encounter the enemy and Leroy is discarded for good. The end movement space is the players choice if multiple paths are available, except if the end space is a portal. Only if the the path to the space containing the portal is the only path with open 'Draw' spaces can the player land on a portal. If you land on another player who is on an empty draw space, Leroy becomes their follower and the new player must follow Leroy's rules. You must encounter the space and you do not encounter the player. If you land on another player who is on a draw space that contains an enemy, you must encounter the enemy and Leroy is discarded for good. If you land on a player who is on a draw space with a non enemy, Leroy stays with you as long as you have crossed at least one open 'Draw' space. You may encounter the non enemy as normal. If the only available direction to move makes you land on a space that is negative to your alignment, you must encounter it. You may ignore the Sentinel if you can make your way to the inner region to cross over open draw spaces. Leroy can not be used in the City. Leroy gets discarded for good if you get to the end of the Highlands or Dungeon. If you defeat either region you must go back the way you came. Enjoy the wackiness that follows...

Revised this to make it easier. When the first Ranger is pulled a player decides to go clockwise or counter clockwise before rolling 3 die. Ranger moves that direction turning over each spaces draw value. If 2 or more players are on the same draw space, a card is flipped for each regardless of the draw spaces value. If a creature or event card is flipped for a player that player must encounter it before their next move. If you roll 3 of a kind, roll 1 more die and add that to the total movement of Leroy. This is the end of Leroy and the card is discarded and game continue as normal.

Edited by Drunken One

Omg, this idea is awesome.
