Showcase: YT-1300

By Piscopas, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

On 4/18/2017 at 4:59 PM, Force Majeure said:

Does it still count if I've modded the ship? Here's Blue Harvest :


I feel like this ship must confuse alot of people upon first seeing it.

Hey everyone - I've been working on a few custom Falcons, and I wanted to post a pair of them here. They're both illuminated, and painted using ILM pics as color and marking references. Let me know what you guys think!

"ANH" version - removed the auxiliary landing gear boxes, and scratch-build the access ports on the under side.

"ESB" version - cockpit cone, internal cockpit details, and rectenna are all from Shapeways (the rectenna is smaller than the FFG one, but more accurate in scale and detail to the 5' and 32" models ILM used for filming.






Cheers guys!

Behold the Millenium Falc... the Centennial Owl... THE DECADE PIDGEON.


@DJ_Burgess How in the world did you get the Falcon to look like it did in ANH? Specifically the underside of the ship? Incredible.

Lighting like that is always super impressive. And I don't even want to think about what it takes to do the cockpit like that...

9 hours ago, Force Majeure said:

@DJ_Burgess How in the world did you get the Falcon to look like it did in ANH? Specifically the underside of the ship? Incredible.

why, thank you mate!

Also, I'll Show you...

it's a healthy dose of scratch-building and fabrication… with some found bits (tiny pieces of metal, wires, etc…)

Of course! that's how it's done. It all seems so simple now.

It's like when a magician's trick is revealed.

Thanks for the pics!

7 hours ago, Force Majeure said:

Of course! that's how it's done. It all seems so simple now.

It's like when a magician's trick is revealed.

Thanks for the pics!

Anytime, mate! I'm always happy to share process and tips ;)

My Twin YT-1300's :)















My latest repaint, pictured next to a stock paint job.





Black Two

I like Black Two but wonder if the cockpit might benefit from more of a distinction between the glass and the support frame. Very nice.

Edited by Frimmel
1 hour ago, Frimmel said:

I like Black Two but wonder if the cockpit might benefit from more of a distinction between the glass and the support frame. Very nice.

I did two of them at the same time, one for me, one for a friend. I did the cockpit to match the T70 on his but I wasn't as keen as I thought I would be so kept mine black.

Shadow Falcon.


2 hours ago, Bullox said:

Shadow Falcon.

Black Hawk

Finally, read this thread.

On 3/11/2018 at 3:23 AM, benlane17 said:



Black Two

Why is it the original Falcon satellite? :P :D

On 3/12/2018 at 10:32 AM, benlane17 said:

I did two of them at the same time, one for me, one for a friend. I did the cockpit to match the T70 on his but I wasn't as keen as I thought I would be so kept mine black.

I would put a gloss coat on the cockpit glass to make it more distinguished.


Edited by Darth Drago
6 hours ago, Darth Drago said:

Finally, read this thread.

Why is it the original Falcon satellite? :P :D

I would put a gloss coat on the cockpit glass to make it more distinguished.


I have done since these photos were taken. Just didn't feel it was worth the repost :)

Falcon is that version as a friend had a spare once so it cost me a lot less than a HOtR one would have :)


I call this "The falcon Falcon".


Oh, wow!!


So, I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to ask, but I just got a falcon to repaint, but I got the HOTR expack, since I didn't have it yet, but realized the sculpt is much better on the new one.

So my problem is that I would really like to have a stock paint job of an OT era Falcon, and have a rectangle dish falcon (or, since it will be repainted, YT-1300) to repaint.

That said, I would like to switch the dish on the old falcon onto the new HOTR falcon, and vice-versa.

I know this is something that can be done, in theory, but is it something that a begginer could do? And by begginer, I mean I started painting a TIE Advanced once, and still have yet to finish.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

EDIT: also, please tell me if this was not the best place to post this, I just wasn't sure.

Edited by gryffindorhouse
3 hours ago, gryffindorhouse said:

That said, I would like to switch the dish on the old falcon onto the new HOTR falcon, and vice-versa.

I know this is something that can be done, in theory, but is it something that a begginer could do?

Yes - this is a fairly simple exercise. I did exactly the same after I bought the HOTR box.

Both dishes are held in their mounting brackets (which are very similar between ships) by little round nubs. If you gently prise one of the brackets away from the dish you can lift the dish out.

It takes a little bit of effort and patience but can be done without damage. The biggest risk would be bending the bracket too far and it snapping (did not happen for me on either ship) so just take it slowly and you'll get there in the end.

One of the two dishes had more prominent nubs than the other (can't remember which) so it takes a bit more prising to make the clearance.

Then it's just a matter of leveraging them back between the brackets of the other ship - once again, take your time, it may not seem it will go in but it'll get there.

@gryffindorhouse If you happen to break or crack one or both of the mounts, a little super glue will fix it. The dish swings all over the place, as it is, so you may just want to glue it in position anyway.