X-Wing Campaign? Future Ideas

By Angry_Ewok, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

Dear FFG People across the internet,

I play Armada and have really enjoyed the Correllian Conflict expansion. It has given a lot of new life to the players in my area and I hope you do more things like it. I want to encourage you to do something like this for X-wing. It would have wide sweeping support I think. Many in the community are becoming tired of the ever increasing complexity of X-wing as a game. This is an almost unavoidable consequence of having a popular game that people want more and more content for. As more content is released, the complexity required to make the new ships/cards exciting and different cannot be helped in many cases. My suggestion is to scale back on releasing new ships and card (there by not adding to the complexity of the game) and instead start putting out content that allowing players new ways to play with the ships they already have. Some examples are campaign expansions, RPG type campaign books similar to the current Heroes of the Antaris Cluster fan expansion, and exploring possible cross over expansions between Star Wars Rebellion, Armada, X-Wing, and Imperial Assault.

Thank you for making all the great games I mentioned above.

Edited by Space_Cowboy17

I couldn't agree more! With so many ships, pilots, and upgrades coming out ceaselessly this game is becoming too complicated to keep track of.

really hope they look at this.

Keep your eyes out for the Scum and Villainy podcast's X-wing RPG fusion, which I think will kick off in the next couple of months.

I definitely agree that FFG would do well to release some sort of campaign for X-wing. I suspect that this is something they are developing.

Otherwise, I personally have a PvP campaign system under development. It's probably a little too involved for a mass market appeal, but it's pretty cool. And along with the Shuttle Tydirium crew, I've been developing a narrative event that is essentially a little campaign. You can check it out here: GRAYSKULL

I think one relatively easy way to do it would be to use existing mission scenarios and tie them together into a single coherent story.

  • Play Scenario X
    • If Rebels Win, Scenario Y with possible adjustments
    • If Empire Wins, Scenario Z with possible adjustments
    • If Scum Wins, Scenario Q with possible adjustments
      • These lead further and then tie back to a final scenario with modifiers for previous wins/losses by respective factions.

These could use only existing scenarios, introduce new ones, and/or combine all of the above with a coherent back story. Hopefully there would be at least SOME new scenario content. It would also help to have some flexibility in ship content, so a person wouldn't have to own 3 copies of every ship in their faction to play the scenario as written.

Edited by direweasel
1 hour ago, direweasel said:

I think one relatively easy way to do it would be to use existing mission scenarios and tie them together into a single coherent story.

  • Play Scenario X
    • If Rebels Win, Scenario Y with possible adjustments
    • If Empire Wins, Scenario Z with possible adjustments
    • If Scum Wins, Scenario Q with possible adjustments
      • These lead further and then tie back to a final scenario with modifiers for previous wins/losses by respective factions.

These could use only existing scenarios, introduce new ones, and/or combine all of the above with a coherent back story. Hopefully there would be at least SOME new scenario content. It would also help to have some flexibility in ship content, so a person wouldn't have to own 3 copies of every ship in their faction to play the scenario as written.

There are always the huge ship campaigns, which are pretty much what you're describing here. We shouldn't forget about those as we clamor for x-wing campaigns. There are already 4.

2 hours ago, Babaganoosh said:

There are always the huge ship campaigns, which are pretty much what you're describing here. We shouldn't forget about those as we clamor for x-wing campaigns. There are already 4.

5 in a few days Merchant_One.jpg

Will I've been toying with the idea of a 3 player fight.

Player 3 comes in at turn 3 at a lower point value.


Empire is fighting the Rebels. And out of hyperspace into real space comes the Pirates. So if you have a standard 100 point game. The Pirates would fly in at around 75 points. ( This could be done either way)

The other one I was thinking about was taking the various large and huge ships I got and making up a campaign like Direweasel said.

Also we're going to have the Ep. 8 - 9 get release so we're going to be getting new Resistance and FO ships to be added to the fray. Also not to mention you can have soon era of play. Example episode 3.5 to 6. ( Rogue 1).

Which I'm shocked they haven't came out with episodes 1-3.