Painted Rancor

By jsalyers, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

I painted this Rancor for Grant of the Vader's Finest podcast. I don't normally paint Imperial Assault miniatures but this one looked good and I enjoyed painting it.

FFG models are getting better and better. I may need to paint some of their Rune Wars minis.





Fantastic!! The biggest W O W is how you made the carapace bits shiny while kept the flesh section more matt! And off course the details!

Edited by MeeKey

fantastic. i went the other way round. i made the carapace matte and the skin a bit wet.

I'm digging the eyes, and I love the rocky base on this!


Thanks to all for the kind words. If you're going to Worlds you might see this model in Grant's and/or Jesse's force in the IA tournament along with a Jabba I painted rather quickly this past week.

They're super nice people or perhaps Bugatti is a better descriptor...? :) You should meet them if you get the chance.


wow.........I wish my painted minis looked half that good.

On 5/1/2017 at 2:54 PM, DarthJak said:

wow.........I wish my painted minis looked half that good.

Come to the Team Covenant store and I'll show you what I know. Plus Tim, Ryan, and Grant are pretty fun to hang out with.

Zach is fun too but he's usually busy practicing for the next tournament. :)


Those highlights are really nice. Sells the whole thing.


Amazing work. Love the eyes, they look menacing.