Some home made ship components

By Captain Bosun, in Rogue Trader House Rules

Medicae Facility:
Allows complex surgical procedures to take place aboard a vessel. Increase moral permanently +3
Power: 1
Space: 1
SP: 1

Hidden Cargo Storage:
Disguised nooks and crannies around the vessel that only the most diligent customs officer would discover. +125 achievment points when working towards a criminal objective.
Power 1
Space 2
SP 1

Military Hanger Bay:
Your hanger bay has been modified to allow the quickest deployment of troops and vehicles as possible. + 125 achievemnt points when working towards a military objective, and +10 boarding actions.
Power 2
Space 5
SP 2

Expanded Commercial lifter bays:
Your hanger bay has been modified to allow the quickest loading, storage and unloading of cargo. +150 achievement points when working towards a trade objective.
Power 2
Space 4
SP 1

Imperial Tacticae Vault:
Filled with cogitators, a holo display and other tools needed to thoroughly brief your men on the mission ahead. +10 to commands rolls for commanding the actions of ground troops. +50 achievment points from military themed objectives.
Power 1
Space 1
SP 1

Improved Navis Nobilitae Sanctuary:
A more spacious meditation sanctuary for the navigator to use while piloting the vessel through the warp. Includes complex cogitators to assist in calculations as well as all the luxuries the Navis Nobilitae are accustomed to. +10 to all checks made for navigating the warp.
Power 1
Space 1

They seem mostly OK, especially the concealed holds. Seems irritating that you have to roll Wolf in Sheep's Clothing to get a good one normally.

I wouldn't allow the navigatorium though, a bonus on Navigation checks is something no ship would want to be without.

All good ideas, though the actual size of the bonuses given might need looking at.

I'd adjust the Medicae Facility to also give at least a +10 bonus to the all Medicae rolls, including the Triage action in space combat. Without such a bonus it seems a little underpowered compared to other facilities of the same size.

As for the modified Hangar Decks, they're a very good idea. I don't see them warranting such a large bonus by themselves, though. Perhaps it should be specified that these require an associated facility on board- Barracks for troops and Cargo Hold for the cargo. After all, unless you have an especially large amount of stuff on board the ship to start with then being able to load and unload it faster won't make that much difference.

Perhaps, instead of giving an achievement point bonus, it doubles the achievement point bonus the appropriate facility gives?

I would call it Improved Medicae Facility, since most ships even in the age of sail had the ability to preform the complex surgical procedures of the day. This would represent a larger, higher tech facility, with things like intensive care wards and the honest-it's-not-a-bacta-tank items....

BaronIveagh said:

and the honest-it's-not-a-bacta-tank items....


I believe the correct 40k terminology is "Apothecarium", which I'm using in my House Rules Compendium .

A couple people have suggested this, but I'll try and credit everybody. It's a natural idea I'm surprised they left out of the RT rulebook.

I really like the medicae facility - and agree with the modifications suggested.

The Tactical facilty is covered in one of the ship's bridges though isn't it?

I agree - the expanded cargo should just double it - otherwise main cargo holds combining with this would be a MONSTER!

The Hanger Bays need some thinking about - would they cover the same amount of space as Macrocannons (as when constructing your miniature Imperial Cruiser)?

That's how I'm handling it. It's a 'Weapon Component' and it has similar Space requirements.

Most of the difference in ships in BFG simply boil down to which Weapon Components you glued on to the miniature! This is especially true with Cruisers.

I was thinking about the size of hangers, I figure that most ships would have massive hangers capable of handling a couple of ships boats, cargo skiffs, boarding vessels, maybe a squadron of fighters... great for Role play, but no effect on the battlefield = so that's about normal for any size ship. However it needs to be made clear that in space combat military hangers come into their own, being able to launch large wings of bombers and fighters.

Giaus Novus Khan said:

I was thinking about the size of hangers, I figure that most ships would have massive hangers capable of handling a couple of ships boats, cargo skiffs, boarding vessels, maybe a squadron of fighters... great for Role play, but no effect on the battlefield = so that's about normal for any size ship. However it needs to be made clear that in space combat military hangers come into their own, being able to launch large wings of bombers and fighters.

I would assume all vessels have a small hangar for a few craft. I've changed 'Hangar Bays' in my rules to 'Launch Bays' because that's what they're called in BFG. I don't denote them as 'Military Hangars' and they don't have any bonuses other than to be able to launch waves of fighters/bombers etc. I was toying with the idea of 'Military Hangars' but it seemed redundant as why would you need Launch Bays for other than military purposes? That's what Lighter bays and Heavy Lifter bays are for.

But I am thinking of adding 'Improved Launch Bays' and giving them some of the bonuses 'Military Hangar Bays' suggest. I'll credit the good Cap'n Bosun of course. I've already incorporated several of his fine ideas.

Here's an idea for the future-forward thinking Rogue Trader!

TITAN Bays...

Maxim C. Gatling said:

Here's an idea for the future-forward thinking Rogue Trader!

TITAN Bays...

Now that would be an archeotech componant for sure! Something that I think everyone would be interested in getting OFF you!

So you're saying having one wouldn't necessarily be a good thing as people would attack you for it?

Hmm...sounds fun!

That how the game plays isn't it? You want something - you find it and take it / they want something - they find you have it... gran_risa.gif

Its not a "Tacticae" Vault.

On 40k Starships its called a Strategium.

But they look good, I might use them :D