10 hours ago, Verlaine said:My guess is that lack of detail works better in the asteroid chase scene. This is purely something that feels right to me on a visual level, but I find that "intuitive + visual" comes close to a short description of how Lucas directed Star Wars, so it would be the kind of explanation we should probably be looking for.
A good design is not something that is pretty, makes you go "yeah!" or even catches your eye. Good design contributes to what you want to achieve, it communicates what you want to communicate (which suggests the problem with some legends designs - they don't say much more than "we really love Star Wars!")
The "visual language" of Star Wars is simple, bold forms. Can you remember what the fabulously complex ships in Jupiter Rising look like? No, you can't. Whereas the Death Star is a sphere, the Star Destroyers are wedges, the TIEs are bowtie shapes and X-Wings, well of course, are Xs. They were so concerned about it that they scrapped the original Millennium Falcon and turned it into the Blockade Runner because it looked too much like a Space 1999 Eagle. And because nothing comparable existed at the time, they didn't have to clutter their designs to differentiate them.