Sup guys? I'm currently trying to get all the MoM figures painted, though I still haven't got Suppressed Memories so those models will come a bit later.
For fun I figured I might make a log and update as I go along.
First of all, after my first game, I hated the bases included in the game so much that I for a moment regretted even getting the game(!). I have gotten the impression that I'm not the only one, so enough about that. I came to my senses and ordered some clear plastic bases instead.
I started with the monsters, and will begin working on the Investigators after I'm done with all the monsters I have (base game, Recurring Nightmares and Beyond the Threshold).
So, here goes. First off, I did some cultists. I slightly regret going with the greyish purple, they would probably have looked better in more striking purple...
After that I did some slimy Deep Ones. Pretty fun models, though the flash from casting was pretty rough.
Continuing the Innsmouth (pronounced like Plymouth! Seriously people!) theme, some smelly fishermen and a Child of Dagon.
And the regular Innsmouth crowds, the Riots.
After that, I only had 4 regular humans left. The witches and the Maniacs. I didn't really 'get' the witches, I even found the design sketches on the web and read the designers notes. For me Lovecraft witches tend to be a bit more repelling. And her breasts... It's like the sculptor wanted the nipples to be hidden, but failed to get the anatomy right or something? I tried to compensate by painting fake shadows and so on.
Anyway, then I had some Zombies! Everybody loves zombies. Too bad I had painted 105 of the buggers for a different game not too long ago! I took this as an oppertunity to paint them more like reanimated bodies, and not like the more extreme semi-decomposed zombies you often see in fantasy settings for example. Also, ghosts! Would be cool to make casts of them and make my own in semi transparent bluish resin.
And then we have some guests from angled space, the Hounds! It was fun to paint source light on them.
Mi-gos and Hunting Horrors! Should perhaps have made the Horrors darker? I'm a bit disappointed with the Mi-gos. I really like them from the Mythos, buy they are described as about 5 feet long, they seem to walk more on their hind legs being a bit more human-like, and their faces are just a bunch of antennae. These models don't really match that, and I don't get why they had to give them faces (in the form of some kind of mask)? Still, pinkish/red turn more red or red/orange for me. And since they mine the earth, I figured I might give em gold masks, to make it clear they are in fact masks. It also ties them in a bit with the gold details on the cultists.
Easy to forget, since they hide so much, the Cthonians!
And then, one of my favorite monsters from the Mythos, the Shoggies! First guy I did a bit like I felt at the moment.
Second I tried to follow the concept art on the card a bit closer, with a bit darker and more greenish body, and black eyes.
And both of them side by side, just because they are so cute!
Next up will probably be the Star Spawn, then perhaps the Thralls. After that I might start getting some Investigators done.
Hope you like it!