Wow, these are soooooo good! I'm new to painting and I have no idea who you get so much detail and expression into their faces. I'm lucky if I can get eyes on them that look in the same direction, haha.
Little log for painting all the MoM figures!
Wonderful paint jobs! I love them, wish I had time to paint mine as well (still they wouldn't be looking as good as yours)
Keep it up!
Thanks guys! And now I'm finally done (again!) All that is left is to put some clear varnish on the edge of the bases to make them a bit more transparent (I sanded down some cheap plastic to make the bases. Much cheaper than buying them directly!)
Halfway done with my King in Yellow too, some one more update on its way at least.
These are amazing!
Got paint on my Hast... King in Yellow!
*** ***
(Odd, the two censured words above was the written form of the sound Zoidberg does when he flees. Has that turned into some something offensive as of late?
Great job, where did the model come from?
Bottom post of the previous page.
There's possibly a very good use for this miniature in Mansions of Madness (I'm not 100% sure as I haven't played the scenario yet). Potential spoiler below:
In the Sanctum of Twilight expansion there is a 'The Veiled King' Person Token, that fully looks like The King in Yellow. Your miniature could be used instead of that particular Person Token.
Oh, cool! Will keep the model close by when I play the next time!
These models looks fantastic! I particularly like how you've painted the Maniacs and the Cthonians but my favourites have got to be the Shoggoths. Your design and the one based on the concept art are both executed flawlessly, they look amazing. Oh, and the Hounds! So awesome, they genuinely look like they are glowing
Totally get what you mean re: the witches, you've done a good job with the shadows though.
The cthulhu you've painted is gorgeous. EDIT: I just re-read and realised you sculpted him and King in Yellow yourself?! That's incredible!
Top notch job on the investigators too. I may have to use the images of those facial expressions as reaction images at some point, they are golden ?
You have a real knack for the details on the investigators/people figures. Your Dunwich Horror is suitably horrifying and King in Yellow is just gorgeous
Thank you so much for sharing these!
Edited by impulsivitea
Thanks for the kind words! Hope you have some use of the pictures, and I'm happy you noticed that I really tried to find all the details.
The models are not really all that crisp and it's easy to miss stuff. It took a friend of mine to point out that the writer Gloria was not supposed to carry a handbag, but of course a portable type writer!
No problem! You've done a phenomenal job with these, you deserve the praise. ? Of course! Who doesn't carry around a portable typewriter? (me. I've clearly been living my life incorrectly thus far ? )
Edited by impulsivitea
Bit late to the party, but I finally managed to paint the models from Horrific Journeys! First up the investigators.
I really enjoyed painting the skin on Silas, but I struggled mightily with getting Jim's face looking right. Still, I think all of them turned out alright. I quite enjoy the look on Agnes face.
And the monsters.
First some dastardly Warlocks!
Some Shamblers. Their description was that they were supposed to look dry... Should probably have given them one more highlight, they look a bit flatter on camera than irl.
New Deep Ones!
And the Formless spawn!