a couple of weeks ago i discovers that for Descent 2. Edition there is finally a way to play solo/coop without an overlord using the RtL App. So i ordered the base box and Lair of the Wyrm extension. To learn the rules and get accustomed to the gameplay, i decided to play only a two hero group. My group consists of Reynhart (Champion) and Aldric (Disciplin). That way i wanted to avoid getting overwhelmed by to many (class-)rules at once and to long game sessions. In great excitment i started to play.
But now with the tutorial played 3 times, 2 side quests of Rise of all Goblins, two times the final Goblin quest and the starting and first side quest of Kindrek. Out of those 9 games i could only win 2. And i could only win those two, cause i acutually already knew what was coming pared with dice luck on part of the heros. The other 7 matches where losses.
As the first losses pilled up, i reread to ensure i didn't have anything important missed in the rules. No it wasn't. I used the two hero free attack rule from the start and there where no other issues. I also didn't only slay monsterns, i went after the objectives quick and straight.
But nevertheless winning seems only possible with a lot of dice luck on the heroes.
In the last two matches (Kindrek) i payed a good deal of attention to which mechanics acutually put me on the losing side. And here are the points i identified:
1. Perils: Even when losing no time to go after the objectives, they come up. In some cases - especially with group spwan ingnoring group sizes - for two heros it is simply impossible to get close to the objection before any peril comes up. Other part is peril scaling. For two heroes there pretty quick comes the point where peril effects simply cannot be overcome.
2. Monster special effects: For ranged monsters lots of range effects that turn into pierce and make armor - especially for just starting heros without much equipment - virtually useless. Not to mention all +dmg effects which make even a Act I Minion Flesh Molder attack something that cripples 1/3 to 1/2 of a heroes health in just one attack, or turns a master ettin attack into something able to oneshot a hero. I see where those specials have their place once the heros get more skills and equipment.
3. Refreshing monster skills: Often the quests give the monsters lots of HP req, especially to uniques or the scene boss. This often leads to a "one opportunity chance only" for the heroes. If they miss this single all out effort, its done. The ongoing rounds are then just delaying the inevitable loss.
4. Quest mechanics that prevent heroes from shutting down reinforcements or block them from objectives. This is very nesty, often monsterns totally block the way or make in necessary to spent so many movement point to get close to an objective, that two heros simply run out of actions. Remember in those situations they also have to deal with incoming damage, effect cards and everything else. So objective is just out of reach.
Overall I am really discouraged by the game and just prior to putting it away.
So i want to ask here, is RtL intended to be such an experience? Or do i have to know a special class combination that makes easier.
My current feedback to the designers would be, that RtL is currently setup so that is discourages the heros. Its no fun. Especially as a new play i neither should need to get here and ask for gameplay aids to enjoy the game or be forced to play with a certain number of heros and/or classes/class combinations.
Those are unnecessary obstacles and more importantly - for a company intended on selling a product - strongly keeping new players from investing more money.