Hi question from an Idiot, sorry can I download this onto my IPad as that's where I have the RtL app. If so how plz as it wants to put it in Dropbox which says it's full? Sorry to waist your time. It's a great idea and game. Looking forward to hearing from you.
The Shadow Rune Project
No you cannot run this on an iPad. Currently supports windows, Macos, Linux. Android support is planned.
On 2017-4-25 at 10:50 PM, BruceLGL said:It supports it now. We also extract the Localization.txt from the official app. For MoM this means we have lots of languages, but not D2E. Do you think I could include your translations in Valkyrie? I might have to strip the english translations so that I am not publishing that.
Sorry I read the last part of your message today, and I don't know how you use in valkyrie the official text to answer you. I see in valkyrie the localization.txt, but is small and already translated into many languages. I know that you read the files of the official app installed, and our translation is simply to overwrite each English text for the Spanish text, and use overwrite the original files of the app. This means that if valkyrie directly reads the localization.txt file from anyone who has my translation, the texts that appear there will be translated automatically. But I don't know how valkyrie works. The most important text to translate is the activation monsters, valkyrie use the official activiations, or do you need to be specified in each adventure what they are?
Anyway, I'm sure that if you could introduce the MoM multilanguage, when the official translation of D2E is finished, you woudl be able to make the same for D2E.
I tried the campaign support and is amazing. Good work, whit this we could make a lot of beautiful things.
As I said, I want to translate your work into spanish, but I want to know if the valkyrie campaigns, could support multi-language on the future because one month ago when we tried to create a new map, or campaign, I could see one input box to introduce the text of an event, monster activation, etc. But I couldn't see another "input box" to select or introduce the language of this text, or an "input box" to possible translations of one text into another languages. I think with this type of input boxes, is the best way to make one proyect in a lot of languages, because with one unique adventure,its possible to have it in infinite languages.
I want to know if this type of input boxes would be able to be available in the future, because whit it, we could be translate any adventure you make, and if not, we'll always could translate overwriting English version and we'll make two/three/four/... versions of each adventure, one for each language. Now I have the first blood spanish version complete, but I think have each version to each language of each adventure is very cumbersome, and when there are many adventures, it'll be chaos.
I wait your answer soon, and thank you very much for your incredible work =D
> I see in valkyrie the localization.txt, but is small and already translated into many languages.
This is for the bits that aren't included in FFG and aren't quest specific.
> I know that you read the files of the official app installed, and our translation is simply to overwrite each English text for the Spanish text, and use overwrite the original files of the app. This means that if valkyrie directly reads the localization.txt file from anyone who has my translation, the texts that appear there will be translated automatically.
Yep, this should work
> But I don't know how valkyrie works. The most important text to translate is the activation monsters, valkyrie use the official activiations, or do you need to be specified in each adventure what they are?
Valkyrie uses the official text. Have a look here:
After an import you will find this is the data from the FFG app. You could replace it with yours but we can go one step further. If you opened it you will notice it looks like this:
> KEY,English,Spanish,French,German,Italian,Portuguese,Polish,Japanese,Chinese,Czech
> Q_QUEST_SEARCH_X,You have found something to search!
If you were to replace this with :
> KEY,English,Spanish,French,German,Italian,Portuguese,Polish,Japanese,Chinese,Czech
> Q_QUEST_SEARCH_X,You have found something to search!, ¡Has encontrado algo para buscar!,
Then it will pick the Spanish if you set that in your Valkyrie settings. You can also try importing the MoM text to see how that works. In the case above because (for example) German is missing it will fall back to English.
> Anyway, I'm sure that if you could introduce the MoM multilanguage, when the official translation of D2E is finished, you woudl be able to make the same for D2E.
Yes, this should Just Work as is if/when this happens.
> As I said, I want to translate your work into spanish, but I want to know if the valkyrie campaigns, could support multi-language on the future because one month ago when we tried to create a new map, or campaign, I could see one input box to introduce the text of an event, monster activation, etc. But I couldn't see another "input box" to select or introduce the language of this text, or an "input box" to possible translations of one text into another languages. I think with this type of input boxes, is the best way to make one proyect in a lot of languages, because with one unique adventure,its possible to have it in infinite languages.
There is one input box which will enter text in your current language. You can change the language and the text will show the default language text and if you edit it it will save as the current language setting. So if you set to Spanish and open an English quests all of your text edits will save for Spanish only. Typically though you wouldn't do this, you would just directly edit the Localization file for each quest. A month ago it followed the same format as above (one file for all languages). To make it easier to manage this is now split into Localization.English.txt, Localization.Spanish.txt, etc. So you can copy the english file and modify. You can look at the MoM scenarios for examples that are available in English, Spanish and German. The quest.ini defines the default language which will be used if the current language isn't available (defaultlanguage=English).
> I want to know if this type of input boxes would be able to be available in the future, because whit it, we could be translate any adventure you make,
Not planning to, either just set your language or edit the text files directly.
> and if not, we'll always could translate overwriting English version and we'll make two/three/four/... versions of each adventure, one for each language. Now I have the first blood spanish version complete, but I think have each version to each language of each adventure is very cumbersome, and when there are many adventures, it'll be chaos.
I agree that is the wrong solution. If you have a spanish Localization file just send it over and I'll include it. Note that you should work with the Shadow Rune guys if they make changes.
> I wait your answer soon, and thank you very much for your incredible work =D
No problem, hope that answers everything.
PS: I am a lazy English speaker, so the Localization is thanks to the hard work of some MoM contributors (special mention to eorahil).
18 hours ago, BruceLGL said:There is one input box which will enter text in your current language. You can change the language and the text will show the default language text and if you edit it it will save as the current language setting. So if you set to Spanish and open an English quests all of your text edits will save for Spanish only. Typically though you wouldn't do this, you would just directly edit the Localization file for each quest. A month ago it followed the same format as above (one file for all languages). To make it easier to manage this is now split into Localization.English.txt, Localization.Spanish.txt, etc. So you can copy the english file and modify. You can look at the MoM scenarios for examples that are available in English, Spanish and German. The quest.ini defines the default language which will be used if the current language isn't available (defaultlanguage=English).
This is Amazing! I didn't know it. And... does the title works too? How can I upload my translations when I have it 100% finished?
> And... does the title works too?
If you mean the quest title yes, including download and quest editor pages.
> How can I upload my translations when I have it 100% finished?
You could raise an issue here:
I can add it, but I would prefer you go through the Shadow Rune guys as it isn't mine to change. They just send me updates and I add them to the download page.
I would like to get a copy of your Localization file though, so I can include it as standard with Valkyrie if that is OK?
if you want I could send you, but, the localization file of our translation is only spanish, the oficial app don't support language change, and we make a localization file for enlgish language with all in spanish.
Just sent as is and I will add support like how quests work
I just finished The Cardinal's Plight as I did it an experiment (not seeing this thread before). Was a lot easier than I thought it would be or at least this quest didn't seem too hard to program. I have not tested the scenario and I'm sure there are plenty of typos, but will get it uploaded this week so that others can play and provide feedback.
I'm having some problems with Valkyrie (I really want to play the Shadow Rune campaign). I'm using a Mac running OS 10.12.6 with Valkyrie 1.4.2. I start Valkyrie, have imported the content, select "Descent : Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition", click "Start Quest" and am presented with a window saying "Select Quest" which is empty. I click "Download" and a message appears saying "Downloading Package List". After about 20 seconds, Valkyrie bombs (app quits). Happens every time.
Any ideas? Sorry if this is entirely the wrong place to post this - I'll shift my query elsewhere if someone directs me to the right place.
Thats great! Thnx guys and keep up the great work!!
I would buy
from FFG the campaigns from the expansions and the core game,
in RTL
I think they should consider releasing these campaigns in RTL even if they had to do it p2p (pay to play).
(Also, FFG should hire people like you)
nothing update quest?
Unfortunately, I have not been able to work on this project for some time. This is mainly due to other obligations and the massive amount of work that the conversion of the quests needs. I would estimate that Delphi and I spend 15-20 hours to put together First Blood alone. In addition, based on the feedback that we got, I feel that the interest of the community is not that high.
However, if you would like to continue this project, please do so! I will support you in every possible way.
Edited by SadgitThanks for replying and I totally understand. It's a heck of a lot of work and I appreciate what you've done to date. It's a shame that it isn't easier but then if it were, I'd be able to sort it and I can hardly expect you to when I haven't the time myself! Cheers!
Unfortunately I had to take a break from developing things, and once I had time to work on this project once again, sadly the then current version of Valkyrie did no longer run my campaign framework the way it did before, effectively breaking it beyond repair.
In effect I lost about 50+ hours of work I put into creating this framework, and spent at least another 10 hours trying to debug what went wrong and even recreating it in part (without success). I'm still checking it with each new major Valkyrie release though.
Anyway, as long as I'm stuck with this disfunctional campaign framework, I'm just not motivated enough to start again from scratch.
I guess the project was sadly started at the wrong time. In hindsight it would have been wiser to wait for a more developed version of Valkyrie, before investing too much time in this project. The massive number of file format changes between each new Valkyrie release also didn't help to make things easier
But my impression is also, that Valkyrie is focused more on the Mansions of Madness module anyway (at least at the moment).
Sorry that I don't have any better news to report.
5 hours ago, DerDelphi said:Unfortunately I had to take a break from developing things, and once I had time to work on this project once again, sadly the then current version of Valkyrie did no longer run my campaign framework the way it did before, effectively breaking it beyond repair.
In effect I lost about 50+ hours of work I put into creating this framework, and spent at least another 10 hours trying to debug what went wrong and even recreating it in part (without success). I'm still checking it with each new major Valkyrie release though.
Anyway, as long as I'm stuck with this disfunctional campaign framework, I'm just not motivated enough to start again from scratch.
I guess the project was sadly started at the wrong time. In hindsight it would have been wiser to wait for a more developed version of Valkyrie, before investing too much time in this project. The massive number of file format changes between each new Valkyrie release also didn't help to make things easier
But my impression is also, that Valkyrie is focused more on the Mansions of Madness module anyway (at least at the moment).
Sorry that I don't have any better news to report.
Sorry to hear this. Do you have a copy of what doesn't work? Yes there have been a lot of format changes, but for the most part it should be all back compatible. If you send me any broken copies I can sort out the issue.
This is a good reference on support levels:
I had to drop support for data from earlier than 1.1, mostly because of the multi language system that was introduced, but you should be able to save in 1.3.0 then again in the current version. To the best of my knowledge the existing published quests are still working fine, via this upgrade system.
The MoM focus is a circular issue. I have a lot of MoM developers/users, so that is where the bug/feature requests are coming from. This isn't a bad thing for D2E though, many of the improvements and fixes apply to both. Back when this started many things were best done manually in a text editor, now the graphical editor has come a *long* way. There is a side project for a quest generator for D2E that I'm trying to work on, but right now there is also an Android build and Imperial Assault support work happening.
tl;dr: If anything doesn't work or you want a feature please submit an issue. Worst outcome is I don't get to it.
I might give some of this a go to 'learn' Valkyrie in between developing my own Descent and Terrinoth RPG quest projects (it will be something to do when I need a break from my own storylines or when I'm waiting for kit on my wishlist I don't yet have!)- is the Shadow Rune quest out there (I've probably asked somewhere among all my Descent research and conversations but it's got lost in the volume of info I've thrown at my brain)- my Descent has Heirs of Blood.
Also what still needs doing?
I have not used Valkyrie for some time and I am not familiar with the campaign support the current version offers. But more quests need to be converted.
The beta relase from January indeed fixes the campaign system bugs, but there a some other issues introduced.
I will try to salvage the project when the full 1.7 release is out.
I have been playing around in Valkyrie for a bit. I can make a basic encounter, but I can't figure out how to string them together in a map. Is this something it can do now, or is it beyond its capabilities? Ideally I'd like to help translate the Shadow Rune into Valkyrie too, bit as one long unbroken campaign.
Yes Valkyrie can do this, I suggest raising specific issues and questions here:
One thing that can't be done inside the editor is start one quest from another, you will need to edit the quest files manually and set the event to the path of another quest.ini file:
Okay. I posted over on that forum. So you're saying to make a campaign, you can't do it in the actual program? It's already pretty complicated, but I'll have to play around some more with it. It would be really cool if you could have a world map with different quests represented by buttons you could click. Is that even a thing? What about going to the shop to buy items and such? Is that something you can do too?
1 hour ago, eternaldreamon said:It would be really cool if you could have a world map with different quests represented by buttons you could click. Is that even a thing? What about going to the shop to buy items and such? Is that something you can do too?
It's possible, and we already have this implemented in the prototype (in fact we also have all the travel events from travel cards implemented too). Unfortunately there has been a bug in Valkyrie for quite some time, which prevents the campaign to continue properly after closing the city screen. Bruce already fixed this in the latestet beta, but there are some other issues that are quite serious.
Once these problems are solved I will resume with the project.
Okay. Well I'd be interested in helping too. I'll keep exploring the program for now. Should I bother trying to make other quests that are part of the Shadow Rune now? Can they be imported later?
By all means do start on other quests. In the end all the editor produces is a text file. It can easily connected to other quests/campaign phases etc. later on.