Recently, Delphi and I started a project to adapt the regular
The Shadow Rune
campaign to be playable without the need of an overlord. We will be using the fantastic
Valkyrie software
under development by BGG user BruceLGL to provide a look and feel very similar to the official
Road to Legend
app. To showcase what it will look like and evaluate how many people are interested in this, we adapted the introduction quest First Blood.
Give it a try, but beware, Mauler and his Goblins learned a few new tricks!
We think it is quite fun to play. Here are some screenshots:
- step-by-step exploration of maps
- new quest-dependent activation instructions for monsters groups
- quest mechanics similar to the regular campaign but adapted to Road to Legend play-style.
- travel and campaign phases at the start and at the end of each quest
- reward system based on gold and number of available Shop Item cards
- uses the Road to Legend rule set, no additional rules other than provided within the quest itself
- install the official Road to Legend app
- download and unpack the current Valkyrie release from here
- start Valkyrie from the folder you unpacked it to
- select "Import Road to Legend content", click on the Descent button when import done
- select Start Quest and download First Blood (it will be saved in your windows user directory (%appdata%\Valkyrie\)
- Start the quest
Support Requests:
Obviously, this is a big project that cannot be completed by two people alone. We will need a lot of help from you guys to get this done.
- We need people to with ideas how to adapt each quest for app-play and put those ideas into our quest design template available for our download page.
- We need people to create the quest.ini files based on the quest design templates (using the Valkyrie Quest Editor GUI or very simple code).
- We need people to play test quests providing detailed feedback on bugs and balancing.
If this sparks enough interest, we will continue to get a full campaign adapted.
Contribute and make this project happen!
Edited by Sadgit