How determinative is Fame?

By liquidsnake1989, in Road to Legend

Through some torough testing with our current campaign (about to do the last quest from act 1, currently having 21 fame), I can tell that you are simply unable to get Rune Plate, an Act 1 armor piece from the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion. Other items from that expansion, such as Bow of Bone, were available at the shop.

So that got me wondering, how exactly does fame determine what items you can shop? And how does the seperation of act 1 and act 2 shop cards count toward this? I've seen Tival Crystal (which is an Act 2 item from the base game) come across the shop a couple of times already, even though we are not in Act 2 yet.

They have rebalanced both cost and availability. Instead of act 1`/2 all items get a minimum and maximum fame window in which they are available. Some act 2 items are low fame some act 1 items are high (part of this is due to the change in usefullness in RtL vs standard play). I can tell you that Rune Plate IS available, but given how good it is it requires high fame.

Edited by BruceLGL

Based on my experience it was like this:
Fame=21 5x Act I + 1x Act II
Fame=33 5x I 1x II
Fame=36 5x I 1x II
Fame=43 3x I 3x II
Fame=46 2x I 4x II
Fame=50 2x I 4x II
Fame=57 2x I 4x II
Fame=60 6x II
Fame=63 6x II
Fame=65 1x I 5x II
Fame=71 1x I 5x II