KFT, Shinobis, "played" cards...

By Smazzurco, in UFS Rules Q & A

Ok i think i know how this works but want to makle sure...

When exactly is a card considered "played"? It is after CC is passed and costs are paid correct? So on KFT you can pass the CC, commit 2 shinobis, R: with shinobis to ready them, then proceed to play out the effects of KFT?

From the TR:

302.2 To attempt to play a card, a player reveals it from their hand and makes a control check. If their check is equal to or greater than the difficulty of the card they are attempting to play the player puts that card into their card pool to the right of any other cards played this turn, then they have played that card. If the player’s check was less than the required difficulty then they must either commit foundations to make themselves successful (see 302.3) or they will fail the control check, and their attempt to play the card.

Usually you put the card on the card pool, make the control check, if the check passes after modifies, the card is played. I think this is the simple version. I think there is no more need to complicate it.

When playing abilities, playing the cost makes the ability played.

For Actions, you always make the check first, then pay the costs. For Kung-Fu Training you check it, pay the costs, then the card is considered played.

For Shinobi Tradition you can commit it to pass checks and then if the card is played you can ready it.

Malk said:

From the TR:

302.2 To attempt to play a card, a player reveals it from their hand and makes a control check. If their check is equal to or greater than the difficulty of the card they are attempting to play the player puts that card into their card pool to the right of any other cards played this turn, then they have played that card. If the player’s check was less than the required difficulty then they must either commit foundations to make themselves successful (see 302.3) or they will fail the control check, and their attempt to play the card.

Usually you put the card on the card pool, make the control check, if the check passes after modifies, the card is played. I think this is the simple version. I think there is no more need to complicate it.

When playing abilities, playing the cost makes the ability played.

For Actions, you always make the check first, then pay the costs. For Kung-Fu Training you check it, pay the costs, then the card is considered played.

For Shinobi Tradition you can commit it to pass checks and then if the card is played you can ready it.

So just to clarify, if i commit 2 copies of shinobi as part of the "cost" of KFT (NOT to pass the control check, but to pay the actual cost before the colon) i can ready them "instantly"?

yes absolutely.

If you have 3 on the field, play KFT, commit one shinobi to pass the check, commit the 2 others for the cost, then you can react with all 3 to ready all 3.

( no need to tell us how insane shinobi is, we already know for sure... )

Yeah. talk about broken cards. I think that is one that goes in all Evil/Life/Water decks. That cards is so ridiculous.

Stampage for functionality.

I've never considered Shinobi a true staple though. It's good... but it technically doesn't actually DO anything, and it lacks a block.