Ally/Villain House Rule

By totalnoob, in Imperial Assault Campaign

To follow up on this thread, we are eight missions in to this second Core Campaign run with the following Ally/Villain house rules:

- If the side mission is chosen, you earn the Ally/Villain automatically (threat cost is as normal)

- If the side mission is won (or not played in the case of the IP), you get the Ally/Villain at a % discount based on threat level (max 50%). So at threat level 4, you can bring in Boba Fett for 8 (40% discount off 13)

So far I have earned Boba Fett, the rebels have earned Chewbacca. They have brought Chewy in for all their missions so far at the discounted rate since they won the mission. It doesn't seem to have tipped the balance TOO far - its certainly an advantage to bring Chewy in for 9 threat. But what I have liked so far, is they feel like they definitely want to bring him in the mission, vs before they were hesitant to even bring in the Saboteurs that they had earned (in our previous campaign). So the goal of bringing more uniques into the game without disrupting everything has been accomplished thus far.

After their next side mission, I'll likely have earned Grand Inquisitor, so we'll see how that plays as he is properly costed. Bringing him in for 5 threat, even at the end of the campaign might be a bit much. We'll see. The Rebels just now have Tier 3 weapons (that darn DXR-6 rifle), and are starting to hit like trucks where they wipe many small units off the board before I can even activate them :)

Some changes I would like to hear opinions about:

You may use unearned allies with 4-wave number:2(rounded up) cost reduction but villains will come stunned and focus two rebels,

and allies let the imperial use future threat from first increase for the optional deployment, also giving two movement points to Imperials.

Before threat 5 they also choose 3 of their defense symbols and ignore the rest(so they can't be indestructible in early campaigns)

After doing mission of ally you earn it and its skirmish attachment, but it will do half price reduction.

If you win you may use the attachment with full reduction and the ally with double the reduction it had before.

No ally may be deployed for less than 3/4 or 2/3 of its cost, depending on how underpowered it is.

All uniques who have 1 defense die have surge: recover 1 if they have no other way of recovering damage.

This will also help their missions where Han dies in two rounds(with medkit)

Edited by NagyLaci
On 2017. 03. 31. at 3:49 PM, subtrendy said:

Yeah, I think a revised deployment card (or cards, if an alternate skirmish version is appropriate) would be better.


Would be more thematic and powerful in campaigns, especially if he can kill allies. Maybe should keep arsenal, but 3?die in takedown would be too much.

The idea is that he can takedown around with overcharge and killing but he will need to take damage for it.

Or he can just snipe around with 4-10 accuracy.

Edited by NagyLaci
On 3/31/2017 at 1:52 AM, Pie Golem said:

We have already seen IG-88. They are doing an attachment that changes his rules. But frankly I'm not sure it makes him better. It takes away his recovery for starters and that is one of the few things that makes him worth while.

IG-88 is quite broken in campaign's final mission if you are tech superiority for 10 threat(if you have reduce hunters by 2 which you will ofc). Double the surges you can do on all droids for that mission, give him experimental arms so he can heal for 5-6 every attack or do +4 dmg if they dont focus him, with white dice for good defense, with superior augments and technical support for +1 dmg and +2 speed, and save 2 threat for Failsafe if they try to burst him so he can survive with 1 hp and heal to full hp in two attacks. You can also additionaly support him with 2 regular HK droids which cost 6 since they are also hunters.

Edited by UrosK