We've been playing Descent with 4 heroes versus an Overlord player a couple of months now, but one player of our group goes off-shore for his work soon, so we figured we'd go against the app again. I've done that when we first purchased the game but never finished the campaign before moving on to 4 heroes vs 1 OL.
So anyway, we purchased Manor of Ravens a while ago and now I wanted to try the Marshal class (probably with Alys Raine since she has high Wisdom). I noticed that several Marshal talents can be played when/after the OL plays an OL card. Playing against the app, this does not really apply, am I right?
Still, the Marshal class has some cool talents that are not specific to OL cards (Retribution, Shockwave, I am the Law, Vigilant Watch, Crushing Blow, Last Stand). The only question I have, in order to 'calculate' the order in which I want to purchase new class cards: In the most favorable situation, how much XP can the heroes acquire in the Kindred Fire campaign, in total? And how much is that in the least favorable situation?