
By maverick_60, in Tide of Iron

So how many rounds do u guys usually play? Do u play according number of rounds scenario is saying or do u just play as long as one side is anihhilated or something

It depends, if a game gets out of hand (usually due to very poor die rolls for one side) we'll usually call the game allowing the losing side to conceed that way we can get more games in. Most of the time though we play them till we finish or run out of time to play.

It occurs to me after re-reading your question that I may not have answered it. It seems based on my loose memory that the scenerios have specified win conditions that are achieved on or before the final turn so, it seems like you're asking if we play beyond the end and for that the answer is no.


I have only played up to the number of rounds listed for a scenario - never beyond. If I have extra time to play, which is rare, I will either switch sides with my opponent and play the same scenario over or pick another scenario. Given my gaming group's hectic schedule, it's more likely that we would have to call a game off early rather than be able to keep going with a "winner takes all" slug-fest.

Many scenarios are balanced for a specific number of rounds and exceeding this amount can drastically change the outcome of a scenario. As a result,we do not exceed the amount of turns defined in the scenario.