Everyday I'm dabblin'... [a beginner's attempt at painting]

By GyldenDamgaard, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Grey and tan is gross. Let's fix it. Here's a few shots of what I've been trying so far... Maybe I can get some shots of each individual figure (group), but for now, I'll fearfully present my dabblin's to the public *shudder*

I started with the Stormtroopers like everybody else, but I didn't do a particularly good job; I didn't thin my paints properly, I tried highlighting with an undiluted base white, and didn't get into all the nooks and crannies. I tried a little harder with the E-Webs, and ultimately tried Sorastro's alternate approach with the Heavy Stormtroopers, Somos and Terro. The Jet Troopers aren't completely done yet; still missing highlights and some 'Ardcoat. I'm quite proud of Terro though, especially the Dewback.


Edited by GyldenDamgaard

The next step was the Droids; first the Probe Droids (I didn't feel comfortable with the finishing touches yet, so they're still quite basic), but they're okay IMO (maybe a little heavy on the drybrush). The HK's were a little better, and I tried to experiment with two different color schemes. I still couldn't do highlights properly, but at least I gave it a shot (BBY)... :)


Next up is an assortment of different figures from different times; I started with the Officers and tried to differentiate the regular and elites version. Next was Vader, which was a big challenge, due to the different shades of black (again, I suck a highlighting). The Royal Guards was my first proper attempt at highlighting and they came out okay. And finally the ISBs and Blaise, where I simply tried a very basic blue wash over the base white. Again, they could really do with some highlight to add some depth, but maybe I'll get around to it. misc..JPG

Edited by GyldenDamgaard
Placement of image

And finally, the latest batch, the four heroes my players have chosen for our Jabba's Realm Campaign run. Not much to say, other than I think that I'm beginning to get the hang of it.


Looking good. Vinto looks particularly fantastic. I hope mine comes out that well when I reach him. I am still mid-Hoth stuff :P

Thanks. Yeah, he's probably my most succesful paint job yet, maybe tied with Terro. I'm doing the rest in roughly the order we need them for Jabba's Realm, so I'm painting all over the place. Unfortunately that means that I'm probably a long way away from ever getting to the AT-ST and much of the stuff from Twin Shadows.

Edited by GyldenDamgaard
On ‎02‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 1:37 PM, GyldenDamgaard said:

Grey and tan is gross. Let's fix it.

So true. Try telling that to most of the top 16 at worlds this year and last that were streamed. They should stream painted games 1st until they are KO'd. So why not show the world what figures you have and how good they can look instead of grey and beige blobs on the screen. I know there is no requirement to have painted figures whilst playing (I mean, this isn't gw. Thank f**k).

But if you are no good at painting, don't have the time, cant be arsed, there is always someone willing to paint them for you, and as you don't need that many painted it will cost very little. There are people who say "why should I paint them, I don't have to, you are a painting nazi" blah blah blah. I agree you don't need to have them painted, but they do look a lot better on the table top if they have some colour on them, and what better way to get people into the game when they see nice looking sculpts with varying painting styles on identical figures from either side. It also helps differentiate between whose figures are on which side as no two people will paint the same way.

Nice paint jobs on these figures. Keep it up. :)

Edited by TryerImp
On 2017. 05. 17. at 4:15 PM, TryerImp said:

But if you are no good at painting, don't have the time, cant be arsed, there is always someone willing to paint them for you

Glad that i have a wife who paints my miniatures as her hobby :)

on my own i am surely unable to do this kind of awsome jobs like you did GyldenDamgaard

Very good work!

Awesome work. I am in the process of painting all of my miniatures. (My fiance does all of the "washes" while I paint) I worked on the Squads first and then the Movie Heroes and Villains. I will tackle all of the individual game created Heroes and Villains (non canon) lastly.

I have 2 sets of each box (Core and Expansions) so one box gets the traditional Original Trilogy paint job and the second box gets an "Expanded Universe" paint scheme if it seems plausible. (Shadowtroopers, Dark Troopers, Elite Royal Guards etc....)

Keep up the great work.


Just in time for the Finale of Jabba's Realm.. :) A little sloppy, but better than expected.

That is an awesome Jabba! Great work!

You did a great job with the colour-transitions between the green and dark tan on your Jabba, especially between the top and bottom part of the tail - well done! If I may suggest: You could improve your paint job with a few simple things. First, try to also vary the level of darkness of your shadows. Apply a lighter wash to the base colours, and then paint a darker wash into the deeper folds like those on Jabba's neck, the sacks under his eyes, and on his chest for example. Second, you could also layer-on a slightly lighter tone of the base colour on all areas sans the recesses exposed to light, leaving some of the original base colour. You could also do the same to areas you want to pop out a bit in order to define aspects like the face for example: The top edges of the nose and the 'eyebows'. These are just a few simple suggestions, but you are already on a good path, so keep it up! :)