[Officially answered] Interpretation of Action in Gates of Silverwood Manor (scenario spoilers)

By LordPyrex, in Mansions of Madness

Hello everyone, I wanted to see how other players were interpreting an action that takes place in one of the newest scenarios 'Gates of Silverwood Manor'. That being said spoilers for the scenario are below, try to get a play before reading.

Last night was the first time that my group tried to tackle this new event and it is definitely one of the best uses of the sets. With the moving rooms and different NPC interaction points it is one of my new favorites. That being said we ran into a point where I think some clarification would have helped. As you move around the board and collect keys, you eventually find out that you need these to close the portals. Each portal has a byline that reads that an item glows in response to the portal. We interpreted to mean that the investigator carrying that item was the one to interact with that portal to try to close it. The countdown eventually got the better of us, possibly because of this interpretation.

This is where I wanted to see what other players thought about this mechanism. The portals themselves don't have a tagline stating that you have to have the item to interact with it. Do you allow other investigators to attempt to close the portal? Does the investigator even have to be there since the app makes no mention that they have to be? I know that you get the extra passes for each key that you carry so does that mean that if one person had more than one key they are then trying to run all over to close the portals?

I liked the scenario for the same reasons and got confused by the same cards, but the decision was that since they don't actually tell the investigator that she's only able to do something if condition x is met, then it's of no mechanical concern.

The only function it then has is to provide some additional Lore to figure out the mystery - something sothothy - being the key, being the gate

I can't shake off the feeling that the story was written for a mechanism that got altered, scrubbed, or unimplemented, though.. like, it might have been that if you have the corresponding key, you get 1 bonus, and then it was decided it needed to be easier, so any key item would do, or something roughly along those lines.

Would like to see an official statement on interpretation.

Yeah, I'm so use to the key item mechanic in other scenarios where the inspector carrying the physical key item has to be the one opening a door. It just made it seem like since they mentioned the resonance of the item the 'key' mechanic is attached to. I would prefer it not to be that way to give a better chance at a win, but of course don't want to cheat the system as it might have been intended.

Just got an official response from FFG.

Yes, any investigator may attempt to close any portal in the ending of Gates of Silverwood Manor. No, the investigator carrying the Item mentioned in the text is not required–as you noted, there is no rules text that makes that requirement. If one person has all the keys, they would perhaps have an edge to closing the gates, but anyone may assist in closing the gates.

I hope this helps clear things up!

Thanks for playing,
Kara Centell-Dunk
Game Developer
Fantasy Flight Games

Sorry for the necro.

Played this today. I wonder if the official response would be different in my case as my investigator carrying the Journal was "Lost in Time and Space", wandering around Yuggoth and the Great City while my stalwart companions were attempting to close the gate ;)