Got to play this recently for the first time in a month or so. Wow! What a great game!
Some highlights:
Aquilonia using the "Black Dragons" to capture Koth and "The Road of Kings" from Stygia.
Stygia using "Thoth-Amon" to stop Conan from taking Western Shem.
Turan using the "Nomad Horde" to break an alliance with Hyperborea and capture the Tundra with a surprise attack.
Hyperborea won the first bid for Conan during the Third Age, but couldn't get the barbarian crowned. Hyperborea then used "Visions of Cyclopean Walls" to regain his "6" token, and win the 3rd bid for Conan. Hyperborea was able to crown Conan for the win, and first and last place were separated by a mere 9 points.
Can't wait to play again!