Terrific session !

By Tim Kelly, in Age of Conan

Got to play this recently for the first time in a month or so. Wow! What a great game!

Some highlights:
Aquilonia using the "Black Dragons" to capture Koth and "The Road of Kings" from Stygia.
Stygia using "Thoth-Amon" to stop Conan from taking Western Shem.
Turan using the "Nomad Horde" to break an alliance with Hyperborea and capture the Tundra with a surprise attack.
Hyperborea won the first bid for Conan during the Third Age, but couldn't get the barbarian crowned. Hyperborea then used "Visions of Cyclopean Walls" to regain his "6" token, and win the 3rd bid for Conan. Hyperborea was able to crown Conan for the win, and first and last place were separated by a mere 9 points.

Can't wait to play again!


Ehh... <cry> Why can't I have time to play Conan? :( Need to work on that.

Great tot hear that someone is still playing the game and enjoys it!

Congrats, and happy for you. Me still waiting to spare the money in order to buy that one... still hesitating...

Hem said:

... still hesitating...

Hesitate no longer! Last year was incredible for new games. I've been playing A LOT of "Chaos in the Old World", 'Middle-Earth Quest", and "Dungeon Lords", but..."Age of Conan" is still the best of the 2009 games for me. Heck, it may be my all-time # 1 game!


Really ? That much ? As you might have seen (ok, I agree, it's **** small) in my Sign, it's one of the games I'm hesitating on.

Your #1 favorite ? Do you know Arkham ? If yes, or if you know it, would you say it is as good ? (I ask that, because I consider Arkham as one of the best games I know, and I realized every player I know who tried it think the same).

My brother wants me to buy Conan, but my woman hates world maps, conquests, armies and all the like... I don't know what to do...

I hesitate too on MEQ and CitOW, as you mentionned... man, you seem to love and play many games I am hesitating on !!! I don't want to make mistakes, I made a rare few with FFG games and it is sad when I do...

Yes, I know Arkham (I've got the first 3 expansions), and I enjoy it. Haven't played it so much since "Battlestar Galactica" came out. That has become my "co-op" game of choice. I see Arkham and Conan as different. Both games, both fun, but completely different experiences.

Last year I started out playing a lot of "Android". Once "Conan" hit the shelves, I played pretty much only that for quite a while. Since the summer, I've been going back and forth between Conan, MEQ, and "Chaos in the Old World".

I would hesistate to get any of those 3 games if I couldn't get 4 players, or couldn't get 4 players who really like games with conflict. They're all absolutely wonderful, but I feel they all need 4 players for the best experience.

Good luck!


Hey, thanks a lot for the feedback, Tim. Still, you don't really help me : you're telling me all of the games I'm hesitating on are actually great, so in the end you make me want to buy them all... that's not helpful at all ! You **** FFG's infiltrator ! ;)

Bah, anyway. It often turns out like that : me hesitating on something, me buying it in the end.

Still, the things that kept me so far for Chaos or MEQ are the themes : warhammer for one, Tolkien for the second, these themes seen as geeky by my friends and players don't help me wanting to buy these games, being afraid as I am not to be able to get my players motivated and willing to play...

I'll rub Tim against the grain a bit. Age of Conan (don't have, but read about it extensively) and CitOW are 4-player. MEQ however works well with 2 players (one Sauron, other playing 1 or 2 Heroes) and 3 (same as 2-player, just instead of one player playing 2 Heroes, two people now play a Hero each and third plays Sauron).

Dam's the expert on MEQ. He's played PLENTY of games with fewer than 4 players. I've always had a "full" table. If you can't get 4, then MEQ would be the best out of the ones I mentioned. Perhaps the cooperative nature would be more appealing to your lady friends.


Ok, thanks. Saw the english box at some shop in town. Might buy it. Gee. Hard times for wallets.