Orc Rush Almost Unstoppable

By Rager45, in Warhammer Invasion Deck Building

I've played several constructed games and find Orcs rush to be pretty unbeatable. The only exception seems to be Empire (because of counterstrike for the most part). Has anyone had a different experience. Basically my freind has every good 1 and 2 cost orc and has all the battle packs.

Dwarves are very resilient as well. Toughness and ability to heal capital damage.

Healing capitals dosn;t help if zones burn out right. Dwarves not well tunes can struggle vs a true orc blitz IME. The dwarves usally lose a zone before they really get going, and then the gobs slow down and build up soem numbers, then hit the 2nd zone in a wave of insane damage.

My obervation is the the Orc blitz deck comes out strong and hits the quest or kingdom zone for 2-6 point hit rounds, dwarves are relunent to block with there pricier units, as they can;t afford to be down on the count and you still coming strong, so they let a zone bure and try to deffend the other two, they then hold steady for a bit, but the goblins quickley build up and throw a hard wave against them.

I actully find the best anti-rush deck is a chaos/DE snipping deck I have very good record agaist them. Like the dwarves, I tend to lose a zone before I get going, BUT unlike the dwarves, I can pick apart there units while setting up and deveolping my deffences, AND have the hitting power to take the fight to them once things have stabliezed. I have had a LOT of games look bad, but have come back and the Goblins get TOLD.

I was running an dwarf/empire deck, but I also just can't beat a orc/skaven rush. The one card that puts a damage on one orc and then those other orcs are doing 2 or 3 damage each. A totem of gork and the sakven attacking from other zones besides the battlefield and turn 3 or 4 can send 8-14 damage at you in one shot.

Anyone have a dwaven/empire deck that can stop the rush, but still handle other decks. I think mine needs some help.

Omg it sounds like you have sat in on every game i've played against orc's with dwarves. I'm really starting to feel like the game is badly imbalanced, and the LCG format makes strategies limited. I may have to try chaos they do have alot of direct damage.

I would not so much say the game is unbalanced, then the match ups are very rock paper scissors.

You build a well build deck, you will have decks you beat, and ones you struggle with. The chalange is getting lukcy draws against your bad matchups while not screwing up your good ones.

I do not beleive that well rounded take all comers decks can do well, or are even possible hwne everyone is mxing there deck potential. Decks need to be focused for sure.

The chaos snipping deck I say does well vs orcs? It bombs vs tuned dwarf decks. Toughness wins out, and chaos hits hard, but not in the massive damage waves that orcs do, so the forges manage to work a little better.

Dywnarc said:

The chaos snipping deck I say does well vs orcs? It bombs vs tuned dwarf decks. Toughness wins out, and chaos hits hard, but not in the massive damage waves that orcs do, so the forges manage to work a little better.

And "Church of Sigmar" wins Empire the game against a sniper deck.

Yeah, if you figure you are facing one you got to play for a faster game. Although if you get your resourse up fast and get the pressure on early its ok.

Both Order and Destruction have access to board-clearing and stalling tactics (in the general sense) that you can run if you're struggling against blitz. One of my favourite for Destruction is Seduced by Darkness as it's so cheap even in a non-Chaos deck. You also have to adapt your playstyle and accept that you can't spend the first few turns building without any regard for your opponent.

I have built a DE/Chaos snipping deck which just tools on Blitz orcs. And I am talking about a tunned ultra-fast orc/skaven mix.

Try throwing in a couple Rieksguard knights, their counter-strike could be enough to take a heavy hitter out before it can do to much.

Also tactics like grudge thrower assault, where a enemy unit gets killed. you should keep it for those situations.

And remember, developements, lots of developements.

also, give shrine of tall to some ironbreakers whenyou have city gate or just a lot of developements down.

They would have 3 health,

X toughness.

X+2 damge

X is the amount of developements.

Yeah then the Orc just puts the min damamage in the ironbreakers and the rest carrey through, Iron break lives, but the zone still burns.

Thast how a orc rush player would play it. I have scene orc rushes hit zones for 36 hit points with a whaah and totem of gork.

Cheap tough dwarves are better for deffenders from a rush deck.

I am one of the players that says the orc rush is beatable, but I am telling you, if you are facing a true, well built orc rush deck, you will not have time to have city gates get big developments out supporting costly heavy units. If you find yourself putting out units like that backed up by city gates, you are already iver the hump and the orcs have lost there momentume.

Dywnarc said:

I am one of the players that says the orc rush is beatable, but I am telling you, if you are facing a true, well built orc rush deck, you will not have time to have city gates get big developments out supporting costly heavy units. If you find yourself putting out units like that backed up by city gates, you are already iver the hump and the orcs have lost there momentume.

I'm on the same wavelength : pesky cheap dwarves (Zhufbar Engineers, Troll Slayers, Hammerer of Karak Azul, Dwarf Cannon Crew) along with some "Dwarf Ranger" are killers against Orc Rush. My dawrf dek perform very well against such a deck, and its most expensive units are the "Mountain Brigade" and "Marius the Righteous". I admit "Master Rune of Valaya" and "Stand Your Ground" are helping me a lot during those games.

I lost two games stright due to stand your ground, the fact that the guy can but the unit into any zone after playing it is MONNEY.

Yup, the dwarf way of beating orc rush is cheapo tough dwarves. Even the dwarf masons are hany as that extra development can help keep a zone alive. Gromil armor is great. Do not get me wrong, its cool and ok to have the big monney dwarves in your deck for the counter attacks, but keep them low in number, cause it dosn;t help to fill your hand with the costly guys in the early game when your draw is low and the goblin count is high! 4 or 5 heavy hitters total is about right, so you are getting on for every 10 cards on average, if you draw a heavy hitter in your starting hand, toss him down as a development, and count on getting a new one by turn 5-6 when you can afford to pay for him.

I wouldn't say unstoppable at all. A few of us have orc rush decks, but if you don't get the right cards off the bat, you can struggle with it. I've won games in less than 10 minutes, and lost games in just over that time. Perhaps our group is still experimenting with deck designs, but noone has made the beat-all, end-all deck yet. What we find most funny is the talk about how Chaos is dominating the game at present, yet none of us has been able to pull off a solid Chaos deck yet.

The game may seem rather rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock right now, but I suspect that will change as we get more and more Battle Packs and more options are available to the players. This is still one of the funnest card games I've ever played, and I have every intention of playing it for years to come.