Are Tournament Legal Terminal Directive Cards subject to rotation?

By Marinealver, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

So we all know the permanent cards not subject to cycle rotation are the Core and the Box sets. However with Terminal directive the cards that are supposed to be for tournament play I am wondering would they be subject to rotation or like the box set are they permanent cards?

I would say they are evergreen as they are not part of a data pack but the product page lists them separate from Core, Deluxe, and Data Packs. Need to see what the Tournament FAQ says.

I asked Damon a few weeks back and his answer was, in so many words, "we have not yet disclosed that." Neither option would surprise me.

Are there any news concerning this question?

No news. Until they say yes, the answer's no. The current rotation policy only pertains to Data Pack cycles.

Edited by Grimwalker