What are the limitations of the Praecursator Grid?

By Warior4356, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Agent of the lords dragon have a lovely talent that lets them look into the Praecursator Grid called all seeing eye. However its rather.... Vague. For reference Lathe worlds page 33.

Can anyone give me their interpretation of what this can and cant do? If the book says anywhere? Because it seems rather up to interpretation of the GM and so I worry if I wanted to go this way I would have a rather useless toy if there are no guidelines given.


I would say that it depends greatly on the type of world from which you are trying to get information. Feral/Feudal/Death world? Useless. Hive world? Your main problem is not how to find the information, but how not drown in the ocean of information.

25 minutes ago, Jargal said:

I would say that it depends greatly on the type of world from which you are trying to get information. Feral/Feudal/Death world? Useless. Hive world? Your main problem is not how to find the information, but how not drown in the ocean of information.

Okay so assuming it's a world with "modern technology" what are some example uses? What are some things that you can't do with it?