8 hours ago, ThenDoctor said:Well that faction is wrong since the Omnisiah is the Void Dragon so that's their problem.
Being wrong has never stopped the imperium.
8 hours ago, ThenDoctor said:Well that faction is wrong since the Omnisiah is the Void Dragon so that's their problem.
Being wrong has never stopped the imperium.
5 hours ago, Professor Tanhauser said:Just curious, how long did it take people to realize that the doctor who circumcisced you threw away the wrong piece?
Wasn't meant to be an insult, just wondering whether to excuse the blatant spelling and grammar errors in some of your posts.
14 hours ago, SCKoNi said:So then by that metric, Saint Celestine is a heretic no? Considering she follows the calls of Eldar psykers and tells the Imperials to enter the Webway and even resurrects two fallen Canoness' to serve her beyond death. (Fall of Cadia)
What about every Inquisitor who ever used a Callidus Assassin? They use xenos weaponry, obvious heretics right there.
Let's not even mention the Grey Knights, they are damned from the get-go for their use of sorcery and cursed weapons. The leader of the Purifiers, the one Grey Knight who's soul is utterly incorruptible and wields that cursed blade? Disgusting heretic right there as well.
Speaking of absolute heretics, the Deathwatch are rotten to the core, as are the Explorators for studying xenostech and its weaknesses, the entirety of the Ordo Xenos, as well as anyone that dares board a vessel being led through the Warp by a.... <shudder> mutant Navigator.
Oof... those Orders Dialogous as well, researching Xenos Artefacts? Translating heretical texts for analysis? Grave heresy right there.
-----------------------Its easy to call yourself Puritan, but its a false title at best. Hypocrisy is a core trait of the Imperium, even if there are those whose "faith" leaves them too blind to see it.
There's a reason I don't like the new fluff. Yes Celestine is pretty clearly a warp tainted heretic by the strictest standards.
yep. There's a reason I want to run a Callidus but won't. Heresy.
Psykers are witches. So grey knights are pretty sketchy. Using a Daemon weapon? I don't care how pure you are, you're a heretic of the worst sort.
well, here's one place I have to disagree with your sarcasm. Navigators and Astropaths are a nessessary evil. They are to be treated as tools, and killed as soon as they step out of line (or look at you funny :D)
Studying xenotech for weaknesses isn't the same as using it. I'd call that a grey area, but it still might be heresy.
Again, yeah, SOME Sisters Diologus (or Pronatus) do some shady stuff in their studies, but that is not the same thing as using xenotech or a daemon weapon or *shudder* being a psyker.
And this is why I like the Orders Militant. They tend to keep away from all this and actually act like a true Puritan. I know your post was supposed to be sarcastic, but as I read it I was thinking "yep. Uh huh. Of course. Why wouldn't it be?" Completely seriously (and no that isn't sarcasm).
14 hours ago, Robin Graves said:Did you just call Marneus Calgar a heretic?* He's looking to have a word with you.Oh and he's bringing his dad.
* yes, the gauntles of Ultramar were taken from a chaos champion.
So yeah, Heresy.
13 hours ago, ThenDoctor said:It's an imperial design based on an Eldar example. Not that anyone's about to admit that.
They pretty explicitly state as such in nearly any example of the armor in the games.
Obviously heresy, more or less.
13 hours ago, Robin Graves said:I never said the imperials didn't have it, al I remembered was it being a typical eldar armor. Wich is correct.
also you forgot one: "Contempt". That's the one used by Commisars, Priests or other puritan loonies who think they are bulletproof if the Emperor wils it.
Contempt is best paired with good hard Ceramite
Sure, i trust the emperor to protect me. I just wear armor to make it easier for him to protect me.
Of course the best armor is having a couple of thousand guys who all dress like you, have the same name as you, and make it impossible for your enemies to kill the "real" you.
AL FTW! woot woot!