Online play

By Dywnarc, in Warhammer Invasion Off Topic

I well know how much FF tends to shy away from online versions of its games, but I feel this game and the other living card games lend themselves well to online play. I am sure they could make one pretty cheap, especialy with community support and help, it would serve to promot they game, I am even sure a profit generating plan could be found for it.

I would sure like to see such a thing so I can kick in a few games on a quite rainy evening.

Right now I play race for the galaxy that way.

i would love to see an online version...
the game isnt hugly popular here in Australia so getting games is sumtimes hard :(

An online Version of the game wuld be realy nice!

I agree. There's nobody that plays around me. I would love to see online play.

you can still use octgn to play online. we often play with it. it would be perfect for you imo

I found octgn a bit complicated and not that stable. A official version (or a community game just build around WHI) would be ways better.

same here. i would gladly pay to play online and find a lot more players. its harder to find someone to pkay with ones you get older lol

Looking for WI Online play, message me if interested.

I use OCTGN or lackey


I would love to see an online alternative!

But not like Magic: Online, where you have to pay real prices for virtual cards!?

I mean I would pay for it if necessary, but not the price for the cardgame.

there already pretty good module for lackey) and i am tonight added all expansions to it (except HE vs DE box yet), hope after i get some sleep i will finish Assault on Ul. too. ( javascript:void(0);/*1271217785006*/ )

I think Vassel would work for this too and it does (apparently) have a W:I module.

Vassal are good for minis or something like that, but its too ugly for playing card games.

I played some rounds with Lackey. It works good, but handling resources is sometimes a pain if you play a high resource Empire deck. Anyone who wants to play a round - just mail me.


I can tell you without shadow of dout that we wont see Warhammer Invasion online play. I put that very question to Fantasy Flight and the following is ther reply.

"At the moment there is no announced plan for this... We are first and foremost a 'physical' game company and very few of our games have been licensed for electronic or online play.

One of our rules of thumbs is in general, to allow 'player aids' but not any sort of unlicensed software that would replace a player needing to physically have cards. The Magic Online game has a HUGE infrastructure behind it for having cards bought - being a smaller game, that sort of work to make a secure software program for this would likely not pay back the many skilled hours of programming..."

I is a shame as this game would work well online. But what can you do, if they say no then what can we do.

Sorry to be the one to bring bad news.

That is a bit sad, I think one would be able to restrict cards in an easy way by adding codes to the products. And every code can be claimed only once in the software.

And if the are afraid of the programming hours they could introduce a community project.

gamjuven said:

I agree. There's nobody that plays around me. I would love to see online play.

Same for me ;-)


I'm just learning the game and wouls like to find more opponents. There is not much local interest. I use lackey and have all the current sets. Message me if you don't mind playing a noob.


I never got Lackey to work well on GNU or Mac and OCTGN I was not able to bring to start.

So does anyone has a webcam and wants to do some games over it?

Could anyone post a link to the most recent verios for lackey ? (or upload the files somewhere)

I am wishing to play - have Vassal download atm ,am downloading OCTGN currently.