Cataclysm rule question Denizan and druids staff

By 80sVamp, in Talisman

Hi all

Just finished a game of Cataclysm and came up with this little conundrum.

As the scavenger I had the druids staff. I rolled the dice and deciding to move onto the Chapel, changed my alignment to good. ( I can do this at will)

I drew the "Cult Leader" Denizen card. I had no followers so had to become evil. This would then mean I would have lost a life as I was on the Chapel.

My question is, the druid staff says I can change alignment at will. Could I immediatly turn back to good as soon as the cult leader turned me to evil so not lose a life and does the "lose a life when entering the Chape" only apply when you first move on there.

In other words what happens if you are turned to Evil when already on the Chapel?


I think (I'm not certain), you lose life only at the instant when your alignment is checked, not later in the turn.

Same question could be asked whether a character loses life in the desert if he loses his water bottle there.

20 hours ago, 80sVamp said:

Hi all

Just finished a game of Cataclysm and came up with this little conundrum.

As the scavenger I had the druids staff. I rolled the dice and deciding to move onto the Chapel, changed my alignment to good. ( I can do this at will)

I drew the "Cult Leader" Denizen card. I had no followers so had to become evil. This would then mean I would have lost a life as I was on the Chapel.

My question is, the druid staff says I can change alignment at will. Could I immediatly turn back to good as soon as the cult leader turned me to evil so not lose a life and does the "lose a life when entering the Chape" only apply when you first move on there.

In other words what happens if you are turned to Evil when already on the Chapel?


You may never change alignment more than once a turn. They quote the Druids ability in the rules - "No character, including the Druid, may change Alignment more than once in any turn."

So, unfortunately you have to lose a life.

That does not make any sense. The alignment is checked before any cards are even drawn. (Same with the desert and water bottle.)

Why would it apply again at the end of your turn?

I'm guessing you did not want to link the entire rules questions section?

5 hours ago, Lorinor said:

I'm guessing you did not want to link the entire rules questions section?

I think he is stating the question should have been posed in that forum. ;-)

On 2/6/2017 at 9:55 AM, JediKnightAmoeba said:

You may never change alignment more than once a turn. They quote the Druids ability in the rules - "No character, including the Druid, may change Alignment more than once in any turn."

So, unfortunately you have to lose a life.

Actually, since he already changed his alignment at the start of the turn, he would not have been turned evil, despite what the Cult Leader does to him. The very rule that you quoted would apply.

Now, assuming that he was already good when he entered the space and then was converted to evil, he still would not lose a life. The alignment check is done at the beginning of the turn and determines what happens to the character when he visits the space. Since he was good at the time of the alignment check he was allowed to visit the chapel safely. However, once inside the chapel his alignment was changed to evil. But since he already passed the alignment check (again, that which permitted him to safely visit the chapel in the first place) then he would not lose a life at the end of the turn.

45 minutes ago, Osbo25 said:

The alignment check is done at the beginning of the turn

And the rules state that on what page?

16 hours ago, Bludgeon said:

And the rules state that on what page?

It states it on the space itself. There is a progression to the encounter of the space. First you visit the chapel. Then you visit the Denizen.

" Visit the Chapel If you are evil, lose 1 life. Draw one Denizen and add it to this space. Then visit one Denizen in this space ." Once you visit the Denizen your interaction with the Chapel is over. So even if your alignment is changed by the Denizen, it doesn't retroactively affect your interaction with the space because you do not go back and encounter the space a second time.

If you mean in this specific case and at the start of encounter, not turn, then I'm in agreement.