Favorite Deck Types?

By Roxas2, in Hollow Bastion

I've played KH since Chirstmas of last year and thats when i joined...(well I joined before that but I never was on cause I never found them before). I've played ever deck type (except dark racer .....) and I have to say my favorite deck build is the Light/Dark Aggro. I've yet to decide which I like better.

But what is your favorite deck type (Light Aggro, Dark Aggro, Control, Regen, etc) and why.

My favorite deck archetype is either a fast win deck, easy to play and run through guns blazing, and the other deck is control, creating set ups and locking my opponent into situations they can't get out of.

I prefer Light/Balanced cause going for one related way can sometimes screw you up when going against people who are meant to stop certain people. And its fun to be able to switch strategies mid way into the game.

I've built a slow Dark Slam deck, which consists of buildin up my defence slowly, but capable of dealin heavy damage once it starts goin. Once I get a level 4 dark/friend out, it rolls 'n rolls quickly. Once the level 7's and 8's are out, it's massive control. Wizard, Parasite Cages, Hades, Malificent; yeah, once they're there, it's massive control. I'm good then. My friends hate this deck once it starts rollin.

I've also built a quick Light balanced world runnin deck. The sole purpose was to find a deck to beat my dark deck. 'N it works wonders when play'd right. The key part is to keep a lvl 2 Jack on the field at all times, which no one but me understands why. You need him there. Bring out the other cards in the right combo, 'n you're cookin with fire! Oh, 'n the lvl 1 magical friends are essential. It's best play'd with Sora lvl 2 from the third set.

Eventually, I shall post these decks in the forums for critical analysis. Woo!

I'd have to say that my favorite kind of deck is a Light JoAT (Balance). The main reason I like it is because it leaves a lot of options open for strategy. Those few people who have played against me recently (you know who you are...) probably noticed that I had a nice variety of strategies to stop Dark cards and to challenge if I needed to.

(For the record...I didn't win any of my recent matches...but some of them were cloes.)

Black Fungus themed Deck ^_^

I have to say Dak WR, its so fun, even if it really is near impossible to win against every other deck type. I think thats what actually makes it fun, when you go into a game with the knowledge that your deck archetype really isnt competitive, so you cna sit back and enjoy the game without the pressure of competitiveness. If you win, its great, if you don't you had fun playing something different. Thats what its all about for me.

I just got into this game so i usually play sora level 3 but my friends have like Ansem and Riku DX i want MerSora but he's a promo DX

My favorite deck and i think will be alway's........Light/Balance, cause i have the 2 choices of win, making my oponent to think in which way im gonna go for the victory, and choose it too cause if im loosing in one way i can choose the other way, well for me is fun like my way, oh and i agree with Kiro, hey we have something in common, luck to all players...~^

PopRockSkittles said:

I just got into this game so i usually play sora level 3 but my friends have like Ansem and Riku DX i want MerSora but he's a promo DX

I might get one for ya because I have a spare 40 points and I have all the promos, depends.

This is literally what it's come to when i think of each archtype

Light Aggro - Not really aggressive with plus 4 and 5, and now I'm debating using Sora again because all Riku has is the Soul Eater working with him.

Light WR - Answers to alot and decent if played correctly but otherwise it's a train wreck waiting to happen. Cloud is good until you find an Aerith and either a Behemoth or a Simba(I'm mainly thinking lvl 4) (both with are played in an Aggro/Control decks) that forces you to either lose both or keep Aerith (SImba 4 only) and then you're not in good shape (though you're not screwed if you have magic). Ultima Weapon, Oblivion or Oathkeeper are kinda beaten by Atlantica.
*both usually seem to run good everytime with SRU's (although SS Wendy is a much better addition to the WR). In my experience with Light Aggro, there are very few cards that you can search out at level out and be in a good moving position (jack is not one because now with Jack being so common, chances are [and have been frequently with my deck] that lvl 2 is already in your hand and your stuck with discarding one for the other and then wasting a card)

Dark Aggro- good againist the Racer. Control and Aggro will wipe it with Behemoth, Darkside and Simba lvl 4

Dark Racer - Stealth Sneak is all that needs to be said..no real answers. Same with Behemoth (you play a magic you still trigger his effect) or Invisible and Phil.
*I've also come the the conclusion that Dragon Mal is the new Moogle of Dark Decks.

Control- Same concept really as the Light Aggro. Darkside kinda wrecks every setup you get because Sebastion, Owl, Phil, Pooh lvl 1 are all below lvl 1. Kinda needs SRU to run smooth constantly or a *SS card that is there for bridging at lvl 1 for those lack luster dead draws.
*Same as Light Aggro or any deck

Regen(aration) - This is the only deck I can really vouch for that does not need SRU. Donald, Aladdin, Jack are really the only things you need besides a Wendy and loads of Tinks. Sora lvl 1 is usually your best bet and you can also heal through D Isle, Disney Castle, and HAW. Owl is a minor dent cause you use Tidus, Wizard is another problem as is Hook but depending on the stituation they are reletively easy to overcome with Monstro lvl 1 to squeeze them. P Cage is a Problem too as take one Tink if you get the change and it's all over.

Themed Deck- As much as I like these decks, they really are too easy to defeat:

Little Mermaid- People run Triton and will knock Ariels off. While you get protection, a well placed Cage (and this holds true with all themed decks) on the main character will end the game before it's began.

Nightmare Before Christmas- Helps Dark Decks alot. Jack is a great beatstick after getting heartless down from his effect but in the same respect he can get the enemy cage or behemoth down and wreck everything the late game unlimited dark if you go racer ( once again holds true in every deck) cames back to bite you.

I'm not going to mention the Neverland deck because basically it's a Light World Racer 9/10. I will however say that in order for there to be a true themed deck you have to run the Villians that screw them over and then the only one that really helps is Jack and that's not often.

Olympus and Beast's Castle really dont have much yet. Hades and Malefiecent are murderers in Dark Deck because you can beat that Light decks will run one or the other or both.

Agrabah - Aladdin is screwed with Owl which has become common. Same with the Cage and it makes magic lamp disappaer though I dont get what the point of storing up that many Genie's is (though a second use of Genie lvl 4's ability isn't too shabby)

Disney Castle- is a very weird theme deck that I've thought of. It's got a good vareity but all the same I really can't see it being that strong until the King Mickey Player Card comes out.

Hundred Arce Wood - Not alot of vareity yet. The only true good cards are Tigger and Owl so far.

Final Fantasy - Can be alright, but truth be told if has a few huge holes in the design that you can never avoid, namely the moogle besides promo Cid as the only level one or the lack of a level 3. Aerith is the only solution as she can cast and then a well place Cage takes her out.

Broom Decks have no support. A dozen + 2 Broom which can be wiped with Simba, Darkside, or Behemoth. Donald gets more use from Warhammer and Daisy.

Burn Deck- this was a deck I've played with and to a degree it is plausable but there is a lack of good burn cards at the moment. The only three good ones are Soul Eater (not really burn), Barrel Spider, and Wyvern.

I love it when I can get my Dark/Aggro off...omg I love it so much. But other then that I'd say I like Light/Control best. Not only because the duckies are my favorites, but because I love the sound of "dude! I frickin hate that I can't _____" lol

"Hundred Arce Wood - Not alot of vareity yet. The only true good cards are Tigger and Owl so far."

I have to disagree with Tigger and Owl being the only true good cards. Either Winnie the Pooh is great. Lv 0 can stop challenges while the Lv 1 is a great way for lower level players to even up challenges with their opponent. It is also a good way to make your opponent's world runner really mad. Making their high attack player have no attack. It is a beautiful thing.

Jayce_Ryu_Tismotto said:

"Hundred Arce Wood - Not alot of vareity yet. The only true good cards are Tigger and Owl so far."

I have to disagree with Tigger and Owl being the only true good cards. Either Winnie the Pooh is great. Lv 0 can stop challenges while the Lv 1 is a great way for lower level players to even up challenges with their opponent. It is also a good way to make your opponent's world runner really mad. Making their high attack player have no attack. It is a beautiful thing.

but Roo is unarguably, hands-down the best card in the history of this game

Arguably of course...but I can see why you'd think that...

Jayce_Ryu_Tismotto said:

"Hundred Arce Wood - Not alot of vareity yet. The only true good cards are Tigger and Owl so far."

I have to disagree with Tigger and Owl being the only true good cards. Either Winnie the Pooh is great. Lv 0 can stop challenges while the Lv 1 is a great way for lower level players to even up challenges with their opponent. It is also a good way to make your opponent's world runner really mad. Making their high attack player have no attack. It is a beautiful thing.

Tidus knocks Pooh lvl 0 too easy and lvl 1 comes back to bite the racer that plays it because even if you do even the aggro playing field, you're deck is not designed to play that way and Simba, Behemoth and even Darkside get rid of it after you've wasted your materials and once you try to return the the racing game you have notiing to wipe off a Dragon Mal or Behemoth. Parasite Cage is in this too. Take Pooh lvl 0 that stops an other Pooh lvl 0 and Pooh lvl 1. The advantage here is that you have Tigger who is not self relent on Pooh to be good unlike the other theme decks.

The other flaw with WR that use Pooh lvl 1 is that you take away 4-6 atk which means you WILL be wasting another card. If (light) aggro players are smart, they have realized that Wakka counters this Pooh leveling the field crap and your back on top again even if it is a one point advantage. Aggro has Oblivion and Ultima Weapon that it wont heistate to use in a challenge where the racer will because that means be stalled.

My reasoning for that is Tigger lvl 1 with 8 (and even 11 with Roo) support good anywhere. Owl screws up the Magical Friend game which is a big part of control with the Simba or these Aladdin themed decks. The other thing is that Pooh lvl 0 is just a stop in friend form...while it's searchable it's not invaulable. Piglet is a nice search card if you're using him but really it's only worth taking level one beside you'll play a D Isle to search lvl 0. Roo, plain and simple, would be better if Tigger was not limited to one.

My only mistake was forgetting to mention Hundred Arce Wood itself. First turn it is ungodly. Clean out their hand before they can salvage anything...it'll take them a while to get it back, even if they can get it back chances are it will take time and needing time while your opponent is tearing your HP to zero or racing the worlds to 13 is a sure fire way to tell that you've either lost, will lose, or have to come back swinging quicky to not lose.

I forgot to mention the Balanced Deck so I'll do it now.

Coming up with 40 cards to support one archtype is hard enough. I'm thinking combining two, you're asking for either over-sized (around 50-55 is my best guess, but I dont play them, this is just what comes to mind when I actually think about it) or drawing the wrong cards at the wrong time or right cards at the wrong time. Either way it goes back to material usage. They also have to hesistate about using Ulitma and Oblivion because they may need it later.

Roxas said:

Jayce_Ryu_Tismotto said:

"Hundred Arce Wood - Not alot of vareity yet. The only true good cards are Tigger and Owl so far."

I have to disagree with Tigger and Owl being the only true good cards. Either Winnie the Pooh is great. Lv 0 can stop challenges while the Lv 1 is a great way for lower level players to even up challenges with their opponent. It is also a good way to make your opponent's world runner really mad. Making their high attack player have no attack. It is a beautiful thing.

Tidus knocks Pooh lvl 0 too easy and lvl 1 comes back to bite the racer that plays it because even if you do even the aggro playing field, you're deck is not designed to play that way and Simba, Behemoth and even Darkside get rid of it after you've wasted your materials and once you try to return the the racing game you have notiing to wipe off a Dragon Mal or Behemoth. Parasite Cage is in this too. Take Pooh lvl 0 that stops an other Pooh lvl 0 and Pooh lvl 1. The advantage here is that you have Tigger who is not self relent on Pooh to be good unlike the other theme decks.

The other flaw with WR that use Pooh lvl 1 is that you take away 4-6 atk which means you WILL be wasting another card. If (light) aggro players are smart, they have realized that Wakka counters this Pooh leveling the field crap and your back on top again even if it is a one point advantage. Aggro has Oblivion and Ultima Weapon that it wont heistate to use in a challenge where the racer will because that means be stalled.

My reasoning for that is Tigger lvl 1 with 8 (and even 11 with Roo) support good anywhere. Owl screws up the Magical Friend game which is a big part of control with the Simba or these Aladdin themed decks. The other thing is that Pooh lvl 0 is just a stop in friend form...while it's searchable it's not invaulable. Piglet is a nice search card if you're using him but really it's only worth taking level one beside you'll play a D Isle to search lvl 0. Roo, plain and simple, would be better if Tigger was not limited to one.

My only mistake was forgetting to mention Hundred Arce Wood itself. First turn it is ungodly. Clean out their hand before they can salvage anything...it'll take them a while to get it back, even if they can get it back chances are it will take time and needing time while your opponent is tearing your HP to zero or racing the worlds to 13 is a sure fire way to tell that you've either lost, will lose, or have to come back swinging quicky to not lose.

I forgot to mention the Balanced Deck so I'll do it now.

Coming up with 40 cards to support one archtype is hard enough. I'm thinking combining two, you're asking for either over-sized (around 50-55 is my best guess, but I dont play them, this is just what comes to mind when I actually think about it) or drawing the wrong cards at the wrong time or right cards at the wrong time. Either way it goes back to material usage. They also have to hesistate about using Ulitma and Oblivion because they may need it later.

Actually, I would play Lv 1 against a racer or an aggro. I play him in an aggro, which I have been thinking of playin a lower level player with him as well in the aggro so I can have more HP just in case. As for Lv 0 being easily targeted, your owl will easily be targeted as well with a tidus or any other card to get rid of weak friends. Also with Wakka, just as easy as target practice. Lv 0, get him with a darkside, or a Tidus, or spring gravity on him for the kill. Just remember, on the playing field, everything is a target.

Gravity wont kill him if you have another friend (or magical friend) on the field. Gravity has nothing to do with level, none of them do. So you can easily sub a different friend for the him because the caster of Gravity who does not control Wakka has no say in who goes.

Even so the you play Pooh, the themed deck curse strikes again because all you do is Cage him and it's basically over. I said it last time and it holds true that Tigger is the only advantage for a Hundred Arce Woods themed deck as a plus 8 beat stick to wipe off a cage is something only aladdin decks have with Genie (stopped by Owl).

If you're going to play Darkside to wipe off Pooh lvl 1, would you really care if Wakka goes too? most of the time it's going to be a big NO because of the lower player card idea which comes back to bite. If you're opponent isn't going to knock it then it's great, playing 2 may be good but then you're opponent plays Sebastain and Wyvern and even Pirate (they'll come back because of Pooh lvl 1 and the wasting of HP and cards) then there goes Ulitma Weapon, Oblivion or even Oathkeeper. Then you have to waste minimum of 3-4 cards for 1 instead of that Player card attack power instead of lvl 1 Sora (4) and Beast lvl 2 (10) and Jack lvl 1 (14). 2:1 or 3-4:1

As for other aggro decks. They will have ways to clear it and then it's back to who has the most power. Too many aggro (light or dark) play max Behemoths. Cage has already been address. Dragon Mal is worth mentioning because she pops up frequent now too and she will devastate the WR or Aggro because she can act as Moogle and bring ANY heartless to the field (other than those needing special requirements). Sephiroth is widely play in Aggro and Control and there once again is 2 to keep up with 1.

Everything may be a target, but most of the time Behemoth hits for MAXIMUM effect and once you start that challenge you can use magic but he'll still wipe you're board clean. Simba lvl 4 wipes the field clean and you'll have a backup in you hand where killed the Pooh is the end of the line for a while as most matchs (that I've played) do not see a second run through the deck.. In the end, you waste more cards then you're opponent leaving them with more resources.

I'm running a player killer deck right now, playing both Poohs. The Lv 0 is actually better than Stop to go back to one of your points. Lv 0 declares the challenge a tie, while stop ends the challenge with the current cards. In my deck, I run sebastion and pooh along with owl and tigger. I am currently running a lv 2 riku, and only four worlds, d isle, and 2 100 acre woods. I do have Wyverns and barrels spiders to do more damage. The point of the deck is to slow world running and to slow people from abusing magic friends and attack cards like oblivion. If I was running a racer, I would not touch pooh or sebastion, but since I am running the player killer, it is different. And my bad, not gravity, gravira and the other one as discarding friends. The goal and point I am trying to make with at least poohs are that they are a good stall, and use with other cards, are even more effective. It really all depends on what you use. It's like Yu-gi-oh, who really touches lv 1 and two creatures, but used with the right cards, they are great. Oh, as for Caging my pooh, they won't get the chance with my limited worlds, and no, I don't play Jack in my deck.

Jayce_Ryu_Tismotto said:

I'm running a player killer deck right now, playing both Poohs. The Lv 0 is actually better than Stop to go back to one of your points. Lv 0 declares the challenge a tie, while stop ends the challenge with the current cards. In my deck, I run sebastion and pooh along with owl and tigger. I am currently running a lv 2 riku, and only four worlds, d isle, and 2 100 acre woods. I do have Wyverns and barrels spiders to do more damage. The point of the deck is to slow world running and to slow people from abusing magic friends and attack cards like oblivion. If I was running a racer, I would not touch pooh or sebastion, but since I am running the player killer, it is different. And my bad, not gravity, gravira and the other one as discarding friends. The goal and point I am trying to make with at least poohs are that they are a good stall, and use with other cards, are even more effective. It really all depends on what you use. It's like Yu-gi-oh, who really touches lv 1 and two creatures, but used with the right cards, they are great. Oh, as for Caging my pooh, they won't get the chance with my limited worlds, and no, I don't play Jack in my deck.

1+1+0+0 = 2. Behemoth lvl 5 + Jack lvl 3 5-3 = 2. Once both of the D Isle's hit the field you have to have a Hundred Arce Wood hit the field the next turn and pray that Behemoths or even Sneak, since I'll guess Pan or Dumbo are not in that deck, do not get played in the next turn. Any aggro player knows that once Jack's done his job he's worth using in a challenge so any beasts or hercules that are there as a last ditch effect to knock them off is gone.

It's a good idea. But once again 100 Hundred Wood themed deck will never work againist one of the archetypes

Player Kill is a possiblity because it is not 100 Arce Themed. However even when I played this type of deck, it's 50/50 on if and how fast they can dismante Owl for light aggro and how fast you can dismantle the dark aggro. The racer has the eaiser time because it's not a race down HP.