Omens of the Deep Update

By Matthos, in Elder Sign

Just saw the new update and really excited about what the intention of the Ultima Thule action "Spend to advance Omen".

I really hope this means multiple plot arcs in one expansion pack. Cause that's what Omen's of Ice was surely missing: having different story paths and mysteries to solve.


Just saw the new update and really excited about what the intention of the Ultima Thule action "Spend to advance Omen".

I really hope this means multiple plot arcs in one expansion pack. Cause that's what Omen's of Ice was surely missing: having different story paths and mysteries to solve.


Not sure why they're being so greedy with the investigator reveals... it's not like it's a mystery which ones will be in this set. :)

It's not their names, but their abilities. I imagine investigators will be disclosed in the next preview