Imps: Worse than Useless?

By Rationalinsanity, in DOOM: The Board Game

So, I've played the tutorial mission (lost, but only just), and the first two missions of operation 1. All three times I've been the Invader. In Mission One I used all the recommended cards, which included the Imp Assault summoning set.

I found that, even when I managed to space out the imps (not easy in cramped areas), the Marines just ate through them while their damage output was iffy even in large groups. They were mostly a net negative, thanks to how easy they are to glory kill. It was like they were hard to chase health packs. The Marine players saw hit and run as an annoyance at best, because with the door closed behind them the imps either split their firepower or retreated around the same corridor and got hit by whatever combo got drawn.

Then I played mission 2 and used Possessed soldiers (and a Baron of Hell and Mancubus to lockdown two dropped objectives) to lethal effect. Sure their numbers are fewer, but their damage output and higher stagger threshold made a huge difference. There were times were I activated a large group of them instead of larger demons so I could mass dice.

Given the choice between Imps and fewer demons (even Pinky is good as a damage soak sometime), I can see very few situations where Imps would be useful. Or at least easy to use. Anyone have better experiences with these little guys?

Edited by Rationalinsanity

I had a big post typed up and everything...


I finally got to play today. Tutorial and the first mission.

Honestly, I underestimated the Imps from the very beginning. I saw what I thought were better options, and just went with those.

Things weren't going overly well, and I decided to spawn a 3 pack of imps when I got the chance just to see what would happen.

I almost gibbed one of the marines.

Don't underestimate the power of 3 sets of 2-3 red dice in a single turn.

Imps also prefer hit and run tactics thanks to their first ability which lets the move after they attack. This means they can run out, attack, then get back in to cover.

Abuse cover as best you can. Possessed soldiers make very good cover.

They also have what I would honestly say is the best special defense.

Thanks to some cards having the special, and a playable card in one of the decks allowing you to give a defending demon a special defense, the Imps end up surprisingly tanky against one big attack. Of course they're better hiding then attacking, abusing their range. Especially with Ardent Energy.

So yeah. Made the mistake of underestimating Imps.

Won't be doing it again.

Shoot and take cover. Lure the marines to a kill zone. They are guerrilla warfare units, not head on melee brawlers.

Regards from Buenos Aires, Juan Pablo.

A map full of Imps is an unfriendly map.

Use your charged fireballs, stay not only in cover, but use LOS to draw marines where you want them for upcoming spawns.